Prohibitivo in english


pronunciation: proʊhɪbətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prohibitivo = prohibitive. 

Example: By-laws are prohibitive -- ie they tell people what they are not allowed to do -- and they are enforceable at law.


» precio prohibitivoprohibitive price tagprohibitive price .

Example: Unfortunately, a digital oscilloscope with this array of features often comes with a prohibitive price tag.

Example: Concerns have been raised that prohibitive prices are preventing first-time buyers entering the housing market.

Prohibitivo synonyms

preventative in spanish: preventivo, pronunciation: priventətɪv part of speech: adjective preventive in spanish: preventivo, pronunciation: prɪventɪv part of speech: adjective prohibitory in spanish: prohibitorio, pronunciation: proʊhɪbətɔri part of speech: adjective
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