Prohibido in english


pronunciation: proʊhɪbətəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prohibido = unapproved ; censored ; prohibited. 

Example: Tenure came into being to protect the academic freedom of scholars who intellectually venture into new or unapproved areas of knowledge.Example: Censored books were marked with a hexagon and relegated to closed stacks = Censored books were marked with a hexagon and relegated to closed stacks.Example: This bologna is a prohibited product because it is made from pork and has the potential for introducing foreign animal diseases to the U.S..


» árbol prohibido, elforbidden tree, the .

Example: Adam was tempted by Eve, and both ate the fruit of the forbidden tree = Eva tento a Adam y ambos comierdon la fruta del árbol prohibido.

» arma (de fuego) prohibidaprohibited firearm .

Example: He also was charged with sexual assault and possession of a prohibited firearm in the same case, but those charges were stayed.

» arma prohibidaprohibited weapon .

Example: What is the penalty in Texas for possession of a prohibited weapon?.

» ciudad prohibida, laforbidden city, the .

Example: It's a little-known fact that cows were domesticated in Mesopotamia and were also used in China as guard animals for the forbidden city.

» documento prohibidobanned title .

Example: About 3,000 formerly banned titles have been re-admitted to public libraries.

» fruta prohibidaforbidden fruit .

Example: Forbidden fruits are meant to be eaten, rules are meant to be broken.

» libro prohibidobanned book .

Example: Banned books were not returned until 1979, after having been microfilmed.

» placer prohibidooutlaw delightforbidden pleasure .

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, children too often come to suppose that this is is how all books must be read, except, of course, for those outlaw delights like comics.

Example: Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread; they may satisfy appetite for the moment, but there is death in them at the end.

» prohibida la entradano admittance .

Example: Are you saying that we should put up a 'No Admittance' sign to ideas that don't comport with our simple worlds of stereotyped images?.

» señal de entrada prohibidaNo Entry sign .

Example: Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.

» señal de prohibido el pasoNo Entry sign .

Example: Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.

» ser zona prohibidabe off limits .

Example: Serious damage to the structural underpinnings of the library building meant that the library was off limits to everyone except construction workers.

» sustancia prohibidaillegal substanceprohibited substance .

Example: The teacher provided students with a list of drugs such as birth control pills, caffeine, tobacco, aspirin, & a variety of illegal substances (eg, marijuana, cocaine, LSD).

Example: It has been confirmed by the Swiss anti-doping laboratory that three Russian biathletes were using prohibited substances.

» zona prohibidano-go area .

Example: It is routine for people to complain about the 'hordes of lager louts' who turn city centres into 'no-go areas'.

prohibir = bar ; outlaw ; forbid ; prohibit ; impose + a ban ; ban ; restrain from ; banish ; proscribe. 

Example: Once the library is closed, all incoming or all outgoing calls should be barred.Example: The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed closed shops, jurisdictional strikes, sympathy strikes, and refusal to bargain.Example: Library policy may forbid staff members from giving appraisals.Example: There are laws which prohibit unlawful copyright infringement, but these are frequently contradictory and open to interpretation.Example: By imposing a ban one is only likely to set up antagonism and frustration which will turn against the very thing we are trying to encourage.Example: In the Soviet Union the introduction of glasnost has allowed the publication of some books previously banned, but has had little effect on libraries.Example: 'We also need to know the kinds of questions we are legally restrained from asking'.Example: Many types and colours of shelving are now available, and forbidding dark wooden bookcases have been banished from most libraries.Example: Under proposed legislation librarians and distributors who disseminate materials proscribed under these laws would be criminally liable.


» prohibir el accesodeny + Nombre + access .

Example: Lawyers are being denied access to more than 200 foreign nationals arrested during a raid on a Methodist church this weekend.

» prohibir el despegue de un vueloground + a flight .

Example: Flights were back to normal yesterday after the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud returned to ground further flights from Exeter Airport.

» prohibir la entrada enban + Nombre + from .

Example: Library rules and regulations are not enforceable at law, but wilful offenders may be blacklisted and banned from library use.

» prohibir + Nombre + queprohibit + Nombre + from .

Example: The Constitution also prohibits electors from voting for both a presidential and vice-presidential candidate from the same state as themselves.

Prohibido synonyms

out in spanish: afuera, pronunciation: aʊt part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb taboo in spanish: tabú, pronunciation: tæbu part of speech: noun, adjective illegal in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ɪligəl part of speech: adjective forbidden in spanish: prohibido, pronunciation: fɔrbɪdən part of speech: adjective proscribed in spanish: proscrito, pronunciation: proʊskraɪbd part of speech: adjective tabu in spanish: tabú, pronunciation: tæbu part of speech: noun, adjective banned in spanish: prohibido, pronunciation: bænd part of speech: adjective impermissible in spanish: inadmisible, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrmɪsɪbəl part of speech: adjective
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