Progresivo in english


pronunciation: prəgresɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

progresivo = progressive ; creeping. 

Example: Other references follow, with the progressive removal of terms.Example: Significant trends revealed by the data include better salaries to be earned in non traditional posts (e.g. Web developers), creeping disparity between men's and women's salaries, and continuing rise in part time and temporary jobs.


» eliminación progresivaphase-outphasing-out .

Example: There will be an inevitable decline of the product because of changing conditions, and, finally, there must come a time of phase-out.

Example: EU member states have approved the phasing-out of incandescent bulbs by 2012 .

» lente progresivaprogressive lens .

Example: Varifocal lenses, also known as progressive lenses, are used when you have two prescriptions, one for distance and one for reading.

» reducción progresivaphase-outphasing-out .

Example: There will be an inevitable decline of the product because of changing conditions, and, finally, there must come a time of phase-out.

Example: EU member states have approved the phasing-out of incandescent bulbs by 2012 .

Progresivo synonyms

forward in spanish: adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrd part of speech: adverb liberal in spanish: liberal, pronunciation: lɪbɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun active in spanish: activo, pronunciation: æktɪv part of speech: adjective modern in spanish: moderno, pronunciation: mɑdɜrn part of speech: adjective, noun chronic in spanish: crónico, pronunciation: krɑnɪk part of speech: adjective innovative in spanish: innovador, pronunciation: ɪnəveɪtɪv part of speech: adjective incremental in spanish: incremental, pronunciation: ɪnkrəmentəl part of speech: adjective advanced in spanish: avanzado, pronunciation: ədvænst part of speech: adjective proportional in spanish: proporcional, pronunciation: prəpɔrʃənəl part of speech: adjective imperfect in spanish: imperfecto, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrfɪkt part of speech: adjective graduated in spanish: graduado, pronunciation: grædʒueɪtɪd part of speech: adjective increasing in spanish: creciente, pronunciation: ɪnkrisɪŋ part of speech: adjective degenerative in spanish: degenerativo, pronunciation: dɪdʒenɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective advancing in spanish: avanzando, pronunciation: ədvænsɪŋ part of speech: adjective forward-looking in spanish: Mirando hacia adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrdlʊkɪŋ part of speech: adjective progressive tense in spanish: Tiempo progresivo, pronunciation: prəgresɪvtens part of speech: noun reformist in spanish: reformista, pronunciation: rɪfɔrmɪst part of speech: adjective, noun degressive in spanish: decreciente, pronunciation: dɪgresɪv part of speech: adjective forward-moving in spanish: hacia adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrdmuvɪŋ part of speech: adjective continuous tense in spanish: tiempo continuo, pronunciation: kəntɪnjuəstens part of speech: noun imperfect tense in spanish: tiempo imperfecto, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrfɪkttens part of speech: noun
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