Progresar in english


pronunciation: prɑgres part of speech: noun
In gestures

progresar = gain + ground ; get + far ; make + gains ; make + progress ; make + strides ; move ahead ; move on ; progress ; make + a success of ; move forward ; make + advances ; move along ; get + unstuck ; make + headway ; gain + traction ; do + great. 

Example: Standardisation of formats is less developed; however UNIMARC is gaining ground as a national exchange format, whilst USMARC is also used by university and public libraries.Example: If scientific reasoning were limited to the logical processes of arithmetic, we should not get far in our understanding of the physical world.Example: Expenditures in public libraries in the USA rose sharply in 1988 while use continued to make modest gains, with the greatest increase in juvenile loans.Example: We could then simply alter our expectations accordingly, and exult in the progress we have made.Example: And in the process of preserving the past, we believe that we can make substantial strides toward the digital library framework for the future.Example: It is impatient with Juctionville for its failure to move ahead as fast as it would like and is bothered by the city's drabness and general lack of class and culture.Example: While being off work he decided that he wanted to move on and resigned from the post.Example: It is normally taken to indicate that the document has been revised, if a work has progressed to a second or subsequent edition.Example: As his confidence grows, he begins to make a success of his scavenging, becoming an underground entrepreneur and an explorer of the world beneath the streets.Example: This article argues the need to move forward with the infotech culture without abandoning the service culture.Example: The author maintains that, aside from increasing computational speed, and thus real-time control, musically no advances have been made.Example: As university libraries move along this continuum they will become evolutionary, non-hierarchical, entrepreneurial and horizontal.Example: In addition, students can use the glossary to get 'unstuck' while learning.Example: Governments are making headway in negotiations aimed at reaching an ambitious and effective global greenhouse gas reduction treaty.Example: Windows haters may snide at Windows 8, but the platform is gaining traction whether they like it or not.Example: The new CEO is finding her sea legs leading the organization and I expect her to do great over time.


» cuanto ha progresado + Nombrehow far along + Nombre + be .

Example: If a search is likely to take more than a few seconds, the bottom line of the screen gives a running 'progress report' of how far along the seach is.

» hacer progresarnudge + Nombre + forwardnudge + Nombre + alongnudge + Nombre + into .

Example: A concern of school librarians must be finding ways to nudge the reform process forward.

Example: The author suggests what type of instruction might nudge the child along in learning.

Example: It may serve as a postmodern catalyst nudging American regional studies into the next century.

» hacer progresar hacianudge + Nombre + toward .

Example: The goal of the article is to encourage investigation of behavioral dispositions that nudge the child toward proficiency in the use of the spoken language.

» progresar adecuadamenteprogress + satisfactorily .

Example: The author prescribes how individuals should behave both when joint activity is progressing satisfactorily and also when it runs into difficulty.

» progresar con dificultadthread through .

Example: The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.

» progresar en el mundogo up in + the worldmove up in + the worlddo + better for + Reflexivo .

Example: If you want to go up in the world this is the place for you.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

» progresar en la vidago up in + the worldmove up in + the worlddo + better for + Reflexivo .

Example: If you want to go up in the world this is the place for you.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

Example: Some people always talk about moving up in the world and doing better for themselves and yet they are still in the same spot and position that they were in 5 years ago.

» progresar en + Posesivo + trabajoadvance + Posesivo + work .

Example: The project will teach women how to use Web 2.0 tools and other ICTs to effectively develop and advance their work.

» progresar lentamentecreep on .

Example: She crept on and peering around the end of the fence behind the laundry, he saw that a gate stood open leading into the yard.

» progresar satisfactoriamenteprogress + satisfactorily .

Example: The author prescribes how individuals should behave both when joint activity is progressing satisfactorily and also when it runs into difficulty.

» seguir progresandoforge aheadforge forwardforge on .

Example: While some public libraries forge ahead with technology and become fully digital, others remain the traditional, low tech libraries of the past.

Example: The article 'REFORMA forges forward' reports on the work carried out by REFORMA, a national association to promote library services to the Spanish speaking in the USA.

Example: Terror attacks have come with depressing regularity to Mumbai -- and each time the city, brought to its knees, has dusted itself off and forged on.

Progresar synonyms

build in spanish: construir, pronunciation: bɪld part of speech: verb advance in spanish: avanzar, pronunciation: ədvæns part of speech: noun, verb progression in spanish: progresión, pronunciation: prəgreʃən part of speech: noun advancement in spanish: adelanto, pronunciation: ədvænsmənt part of speech: noun build up in spanish: construir, pronunciation: bɪldʌp part of speech: verb get on in spanish: subir a, pronunciation: getɑn part of speech: verb pass on in spanish: Transmitir, pronunciation: pæsɑn part of speech: verb get along in spanish: Llevarse bien, pronunciation: getəlɔŋ part of speech: verb go on in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: goʊɑn part of speech: verb come on in spanish: venga, pronunciation: kʌmɑn part of speech: verb come along in spanish: Vamos, pronunciation: kʌməlɔŋ part of speech: verb move on in spanish: siga adelante, pronunciation: muvɑn part of speech: verb work up in spanish: elaborar, pronunciation: wɜrkʌp part of speech: verb shape up in spanish: ponerse en forma, pronunciation: ʃeɪpʌp part of speech: verb forward motion in spanish: movimiento hacia adelante, pronunciation: fɔrwɜrdmoʊʃən part of speech: noun march on in spanish: marchar sobre, pronunciation: mɑrtʃɑn part of speech: verb onward motion in spanish: movimiento hacia adelante, pronunciation: ɔnwɜrdmoʊʃən part of speech: noun
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