Profundizar in english


pronunciation: dipən part of speech: verb
In gestures

profundizar = dig + deep ; dig + deep beneath the surface. 

Example: Are we prepared to dig deep into our well of humanity & humility in order to uplift ourselves?.Example: Her central themes are still love and sex, but she digs deeper beneath the surface to examine the gray areas of moral responsibility and gender relations.


» profundizar el interésdeepen + Posesivo + interest .

Example: Readers are given the opportunity to broaden and deepen interest, through having their attention drawn to books that have formed the basis of radio or television broadcasts.

» profundizar endig intodelve into .

Example: A 10-year-old boy by the name of Thailan died last week and investigators are now digging into the death of the boy.

Example: The objective is to enable the reader to eliminate possibly relevant documents, which, in fact, prove to be of little interest without delving into the body of the abstract.

» profundizar en el conocimientodeepen + Posesivo + knowledge .

Example: The main aim of the work of the department is to steer students towards self-education and to help them deepen their knowledge by putting at their disposal modern instructional aids.

» profundizar en los hechosdig into + the facts .

Example: Many times the key to success is thoroughly digging into the facts, deposing as many people as possible, and finally getting to the truth.

» profundizar en una ideacarry + argument + one step further .

Example: Carrying this argument one step further, it is not unreasonable to assert that the public library's relationship to its community is grounded in the efforts and attiudes of the library staff.

» profundizar sobre un temago into + detail(s) .

Example: I will not go into technical detail here.

Profundizar synonyms

change in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb compound in spanish: compuesto, pronunciation: kɑmpaʊnd part of speech: noun intensify in spanish: intensificar, pronunciation: ɪntensəfaɪ part of speech: verb heighten in spanish: aumentar, pronunciation: haɪtən part of speech: verb
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