Profetizar in english


pronunciation: prɑfɪsi part of speech: verb
In gestures

profetizar = prophesy ; portend ; bode ; augur. 

Example: As the old Chinese proverb tells us 'To prophesy is extremely difficult, especially about the future'.Example: Recent strides in storage technology portend lower cost and greater capacity systems for all computers.Example: He seemed to be somewhat surprised at the unanimity of sentiment existing at the South, and thought it boded a protracted war.Example: In his eyes, this revolution assumed messianic dimensions and he believed it augured a new age of peace and social justice.

Profetizar synonyms

preach in spanish: predicar, pronunciation: pritʃ part of speech: verb foreshow in spanish: previsión, pronunciation: fɔrʃoʊ part of speech: verb
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