Profesorado in english


pronunciation: fækəlti part of speech: noun
In gestures

profesorado = faculty ; teaching faculty ; academic staff ; professiorate [professiorat] ; teaching staff ; faculty staff ; professoriate. 

Example: During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the high quality Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) program it developed in serving both students and faculty.Example: This article describes a study conducted to show how librarians think they are perceived by their colleagues in academe, the teaching faculty.Example: They may therefore be kept in an area to which only staff (academic staff as well as library staff) have access.Example: These reasons speak to the duties and enduring mores of the professoriate.Example: The author explains how the system works and discusses perceptions of librarians by teaching staff and vice-versa.Example: These lectures were evaluated by faculty staff and students simultaneously.Example: Universities have been arguing since the 1980s that more PhDs will soon be needed to replace an aging professoriate.


» del profesoradofaculty .

Example: Academic disputations are generally entered under the heading for the faculty moderator.

» equiparación con el profesoradofaculty status [Condición de igualdad a todos los niveles (títulos, derechos, beneficios, etc.) entre los bibliotecarios y los profesores de una institución universitaria] .

Example: The faculty status issue continues to hold considerable attention among academic librarians.

» evaluación del profesoradofaculty evaluation .

Example: 'She's also on to look into the matter of merit increases and faculty evaluation,' she coughed discreetly.

» formación del profesoradoteacher-trainingteacher education .

Example: This article describes the results of a survey to explore attitudes toward library instruction in teacher-training programmes.

Example: This is a new journal concerned with the implications for teacher education, both pre-service and in-service, of all aspects of information technology.

» formación de profesorado en prácticasin-service teacher training .

Example: Nationwide in-service teacher training was organization and software development intensified.

» plantilla de profesoradofaculty roster .

Example: This article describes a study conducted to establish if characteristics of elitism exist in the library science schools for their faculty roster.

» profesorado de biblioteconomíalibrary school faculty .

Example: This article looks at essential qualifications and qualities for library school faculty, which should include wide library experience.

» profesorado universitarioacademic staff .

Example: They may therefore be kept in an area to which only staff (academic staff as well as library staff) have access.

» sala del profesoradofaculty common room .

Example: His experience of intellectual community in the faculty common room serves as a model for faculty renewal.

Profesorado synonyms

staff in spanish: personal, pronunciation: stæf part of speech: noun module in spanish: módulo, pronunciation: mɑdʒul part of speech: noun mental faculty in spanish: facultad mental, pronunciation: mentəlfækəlti part of speech: noun
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