Profesor in english


pronunciation: titʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

profesor = educator ; teacher ; examiner ; schoolteacher ; academician ; class teacher ; teacher educator ; faculty member. 

Example: I believe very, very firmly that librarians are educators.Example: For example a set of slides for use by teachers may be indexed according to alphabetical subject headings.Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year.Example: Parents place great emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills, at times pressing so hard on their children that schoolteachers have to try to reduce that pressure = Parents place great emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills, at times pressing so hard on their children that schoolteachers have to try to reduce that pressure.Example: BITNET and Internet are parts of a worldwide computer network for researchers, academicians, and information professionals.Example: Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds.Example: The recommendations, legislation, and proposed changes that have resulted have created consternation, frustration, and optimism among teacher educators.Example: LIBR (short for library) is used in English-speaking faculty members or employees who wish to access the library from their own terminals.


» Consejo Nacional de Profesores de InglésNational Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) .

Example: Organizations such as the American Chemical Society, the American Library Association, the Bibliographical Society of America, the Modern Language Association (MLA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and many other similar groups publish some outstanding bibliographical tools.

» despacho de profesorfaculty office .

Example: He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.

» interinidad como profesorfaculty tenure .

Example: Faculty tenure is designed to allow the scholar to proceed with his investigation without being fettered with concerns arising from loss of job and salary.

» plaza de profesorprofessorship  .

Example: Library schools must build bridges such as joint programmes and joint professorships that link them with their parent academic institution.

» profesor académicofaculty member .

Example: LIBR (short for library) is used in English-speaking faculty members or employees who wish to access the library from their own terminals.

» profesor asociadoassistant professor [En los Estados Unidos, profesor universitario contratado y cuya situación laboral está por debajo de la de associate professor (profesor titular)] .

Example: 'Just one letter today!' the mail clerk announced as she handed an envelope to assistant professor of Library Science Leslie Remington.

» profesor ayudanteteaching assistant [En los Estados Unidos, profesor universitario cuya categoría profesional está por debajo de la de assistant professor (profesor titular interino)]teacher aide .

Example: A follow-up study was carried out in independent use of CAS ON-LINE data bases for all interested faculty members from full professors to teaching assistants.

Example: Chapter 4 outlines miscellaneous jobs such as lathers, plasterers, roofers, metalworkers, pipefitters, teacher aides and zookeepers.

» profesor-bibliotecarioteacher-librarian [Generalmente, en una escuela o instituto, miembro del personal que trabajo como profesor y como bibliotecario] .

Example: In my experience it is by no means proved that a qualified librarian in a school is more effective than a teacher-librarian who has enough time to run the library.

» profesor de autoescueladriving instructor .

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» profesor de biblioteconomíalibrary educator .

Example: This article reports on the views a sample of Australian library educators holds about the broadening of library education.

» profesor de buceodiving instructorscuba diving instructor .

Example: A diving instructor has recorded what may be the first ever images of killer whales interacting with humans in Argentina.

Example: If scuba diving is something that you really enjoy, then why not become a certified scuba diving instructor?.

» profesor de educación básicaschool teacher .

Example: School teachers have decided to strike for more money.

» profesor de educación físicaPE teachergym teacher .

Example: Strike threat after PE teacher is sacked for wearing trainers in class.

Example: A gym teacher who allegedly had sex with several high school football players now faces multiple counts of sexual battery.

» profesor de fitnessfitness professional .

Example: As a fitness professional, you are well aware of many of the benefits of exercise in preventing chronic disease.

» profesor de gimnasiaPE teachergym teacher .

Example: Strike threat after PE teacher is sacked for wearing trainers in class.

Example: A gym teacher who allegedly had sex with several high school football players now faces multiple counts of sexual battery.

» profesor de gimnasia de mantenimientofitness professional .

Example: As a fitness professional, you are well aware of many of the benefits of exercise in preventing chronic disease.

» profesor de submarinismodiving instructorscuba diving instructor .

Example: A diving instructor has recorded what may be the first ever images of killer whales interacting with humans in Argentina.

Example: If scuba diving is something that you really enjoy, then why not become a certified scuba diving instructor?.

» profesor de universidaduniversity facultyuniversity lecturer .

Example: University faculty were provided with an opportunity to review acquisitions lists in subject areas of choice and to have titles of interest held for pick-up.

Example: University lecturers had to give public lectures on Nazism.

» profesor eméritoemeritus professorprofessor emeritus .

Example: Many years ago I went to a meeting and an emeritus professor of what was then called bacteriology gave a paper that involved the great German pathologist, Rudolph Fairchild, an emeritus professor at Harvard.

Example: Prior to his retirement as professor emeritus, he was recognized worldwide as an authority on indexing.

» profesor encargado de la bibliotecateacher-librarian [Generalmente, en una escuela o instituto, miembro del personal que trabajo como profesor y como bibliotecario] .

Example: In my experience it is by no means proved that a qualified librarian in a school is more effective than a teacher-librarian who has enough time to run the library.

» profesor en prácticasin-service teacher .

Example: This article repors the results of a questionnaire survey which focused on how in-service teachers relate to working cooperatively with school librarians in the instructional process.

» profesoresfacultyfaculty staffteaching staff .

Example: During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the high quality Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) program it developed in serving both students and faculty.

Example: These lectures were evaluated by faculty staff and students simultaneously.

Example: The author explains how the system works and discusses perceptions of librarians by teaching staff and vice-versa.

» profesor invitadofellowvisiting professorvisiting lecturervisiting scholarvisiting fellow .

Example: The following highlights are what this first class of fellows recall of their time overseas.

Example: Martin Bircher, a visiting professor in the German Department of the University of California at Berkeley, gained an intimate acquaintance with the rare books in several collections of the University Library.

Example: He was also associated with Bukkyo University from 1960-76, first as a visiting lecturer, later as a full-time member of staff, becoming librarian in 1973.

Example: Its 55,000 books and 2,500 volumes of manuscripts are used mainly by visiting scholars.

Example: Scientists, visiting fellows, and doctoral candidates participated in the survey.

» profesor sustitutosubstitute teacher .

Example: On any given day, substitute teachers make up about 10% of a school's teaching staff.

» profesor titularassociate professor [En los Estados Unidos, profesor universitario cuya situación laboral está por encima de la de assistant professor (profesor titular interino) y por debajo de la de full professor (catedrático) pero que a diferencia de lo que ocurre en España su situación laboral es contractual] .

Example: Craig Duff, aged 57 and a tenured professional librarian at the associate professor rank, had worked at the Medical Center library for 29 years.

» profesor titular interinoassistant professor [En los Estados Unidos, profesor universitario contratado y cuya situación laboral está por debajo de la de associate professor (profesor titular)]lecturer  .

Example: 'Just one letter today!' the mail clerk announced as she handed an envelope to assistant professor of Library Science Leslie Remington.

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

» profesor universitarioprofessor [En USA es equivalente a "profesor universitario" mientras que en el Reino Unido es equiparable a "catedrático" ]academic [Nombre]college educatoruniversity educatoruniversity instructorcollege professor .

Example: For example, libraries with reserve reading collections might want to make online indexes by professor and course available.

Example: It is well past the time for academics to challenge growing unconstitutional restraints on freedom to publish.

Example: The possession of a doctoral degree and the occupation of college or university educator are very likely to be colinear variables.

Example: The possession of a doctoral degree and the occupation of college or university educator are very likely to be colinear variables.

Example: The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..

Example: It should not take an economist or college professor to explain to college students the bind they will be in upon graduating.

» reunión de profesoresfaculty meeting .

Example: The public librarian can attend faculty meetings to ascertain curricular needs and use the latitude of the library's collection to augment the school's capacity.

» sala de profesoresfaculty common roomstaff room .

Example: His experience of intellectual community in the faculty common room serves as a model for faculty renewal.

Example: A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.

Profesor synonyms

instructor in spanish: instructor, pronunciation: ɪnstrʌktɜr part of speech: noun
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