Profesión in english


pronunciation: prəfeʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

profesión = career ; line of business ; profession ; occupational group ; pursuit in life ; occupation. 

Example: She began her career at Central Missouri State University where she was Head of the Documents Depository.Example: The computer people are muscling in on our line of business and we can't stop them.Example: Scientists, engineers and other subject specialists in other professions may be employed together with information scientists as full-time abstractors.Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.Example: People who are blind, regardless of their pursuit in life, will not have access to current information, books, learning, or education opportunities unless all libraries and blindness organizations agree to work together.Example: Headings such as SALESMEN AND SALESMANSHIP and FIREMEN, since they are assigned to works covering the activities of both men and women in these occupations, are not specific.


» actuar en defensa de la profesiónadvocacy .

Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.

» compañero de profesióncolleague [Referido a las personas con las que uno trabaja o de la misma profesión] .

Example: Thus the electronic journal (e-journal) is a concept where scientists are able to input ideas and text to a computer data base for their colleagues to view, and similarly to view the work of others.

» dar mucha importancia a la profesiónbe career oriented .

Example: To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.

» defensa de la profesiónadvocacy .

Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.

» dentro de la misma profesiónintraoccupational .

Example: In addition to issues of undervaluation of the library profession, the focus is on intraoccupational intentional wage discrimination.

» de profesiónby trade .

Example: A nanny by trade, her photography was discovered at a local auction house in Chicago.

» desempeñar una profesiónpractise + Posesivo + profession .

Example: There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.

» ejercer una profesiónpractise + Posesivo + profession .

Example: There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.

» el mejor de la profesiónthe best in the business .

Example: One of the legendary managers in pop music, Simon Bell has wined and dined with the best in the business -- and written funny books about it all.

» entre la profesiónintra-professional .

Example: This article argues for the maintenance of a high level of intra-professional respect amongst librarians as a means of strengthening the profession.

» entre profesionescross-occupational .

Example: Analysis indicates that strikes were most likely to be successful if they did not involve cross-occupational alliances.

» herramientas de la profesióntools of the trade [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: Police are more likely to be killed by rational robbers fleeing the scene of a crime, who routinely use potentially lethal weapons as 'tools of the trade'.

» profesión de archivero, laarchival profession, the .

Example: This article discusses the impact of the public record office on the archival profession in the UK = Este artículo trata del impacto de los archivos de documentos administrativos en la profesión de archivero en el Reino Unido.

» profesión de bibliotecariolibrary profession .

Example: The big philanthropy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries came as a mixed blessing to the American library profession.

» profesión de bibliotecario y de documentalista, lalibrary and information services profession, the .

Example: This article questions whether the library and information services profession is geared up for the 1990s.

» profesión dedicada al servicioservice profession .

Example: Service is perhaps not a very glamorous concept, but we are nevertheless a service profession = El servicio quizás no es un concepto muy atractivo, pero no obstante somos una profesión dedicada al servicio.

» profesión dedicada al servicio de otroshelping profession .

Example: The conditions in the helping professions, including those in special librarianship, dispose one to burnout.

» profesión dedicada a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice profession .

Example: Service is perhaps not a very glamorous concept, but we are nevertheless a service profession = El servicio quizás no es un concepto muy atractivo, pero no obstante somos una profesión dedicada al servicio.

» profesión de documentalista, lainformation profession, the [Usado en singular] .

Example: The service can supply documents through a subcontractor and is currently updating its publicity material appeal more to individual users outside the information profession.

» profesión del bibliotecario y documentalista, lalibrary and information profession, the .

Example: We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society = Debemos asegurarnos de que la IFLA pueda representar a la profesión de bibliotecario y documentalista de todo el mundo conforme nos precipitamos hacia la sociedad de la información.

» profesión de soldadosoldiering .

Example: The 'feminization of the military' is another feature not of the decline but revaluation of soldiering as a profession.

» profesión de vocación socialcaring profession .

Example: The view that the 'caring' professions, including librarianship, have of their clients is deeply insidious.

» profesión dominada por el hombremale-dominated profession .

Example: To view her just as a role model for women sells her short, she was a pioneer who paved the way for women in what was once a male-dominated profession.

» profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista, lasinformation professions, the [Usado en plural] .

Example: A study of the ethical aspects of information systems can offer insights and methods to understand the problems which leaders in the information professions face. = Un estudio de los aspectos éticos de los sistemas de información puede ayudar a comprender mejor y proporcionarnos métodos para entender los problemas a los que se enfrentan los líderes de las profesiones de bibliotecario y de documentalista.

» profesión, latrade, the [Conjunto de personas que integran una profesión. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The system was working well enough by the 1780s for the trade to be alarmed by the pricecutting of James Lackington.

» profesión liberalliberal profession .

Example: To limit research to that which is useful is a conservative reaction from a seemingly liberal profession.

» profesión médica, lamedical profession, the .

Example: Moreover, the medical profession encompasses a spectrum of opinions as to the efficacy, value, and danger attendant upon various regimens and courses of treatment.

» profesión sanitariahealing professionshealth profession .

Example: The healing professions and the authorities in charge of correctional institutions are not yet aware of the potentialities of bibliotherapy.

Example: He said the growth in enrollment in health professions programs continues 'going great guns'.

» riesgo de la profesiónoccupational hazard .

Example: Although the library profession cannot be regarded as one of high risk from the viewpoint of occupational hazards, certain hazards do exist: including repetitive strain injuries, neck pain, and back pain.

Profesión synonyms

community in spanish: comunidad, pronunciation: kəmjunəti part of speech: noun professing in spanish: profesando, pronunciation: prəfesɪŋ part of speech: noun
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