Profesionalidad in english


pronunciation: prəfeʃənəlɪzəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

profesionalidad = professionalism ; mastery. 

Example: It is the cool and perfectly proper expression of a confident professionalism, still only faintly discernible.Example: The library has proven to be an imperfect panacea, and the librarian has suffered a definite loss of mastery.


» falta de profesionalidadamateurism  ; unprofessional conductprofessional misconduct .

Example: The title of the article is 'On egotism, amateurism, masochism, narcissism, sadism, masturbation and flagellation in African bibliography'.

Example: This section concerns issues of disciplinary proceedings, determination of good moral character in the professions, and unprofessional conduct.

Example: Malpractice may be defined as any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in the performance of professional duties through intentional carelessness or simple ignorance.
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