Profesional in english


pronunciation: prəfeʃənəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

profesional1 = practitioner ; professional ; pro ; Nellie. 

Example: The expansion of knowledge presents an even more serious problem for other practitioners, such as managers and teachers who need to keep abreast of a relatively wide field in a general way.Example: Hernandez preferred to show his gratitude and loyalty to Crane by staying on as a professional at CPFPL after he had earned his MLS.Example: The article is entitled 'Installing a low-cost LAN: fool-proof tips from a pro'.Example: The article 'When Nellie is too busy' looks at some of the training opportunities available in the UK for aspiring publishers and booksellers.


» como un profesionallike a pro .

Example: With time, practice, and this article, you can learn to play the drums like a pro!.

» edición especializada para profesionalesprofessional publishing .

Example: Inflationary trends in scholarly and professional publishing are forcing many academic libraries to cancel subscriptions to high-priced and/or seldom used titles = Las tendencias inflacionistas en la edición científica y en la especializada para profesionales están obligando a muchas bibliotecas académicas a cancelar las suscripciones a los títulos muy caros y/o usados con poca frecuencia.

» herramienta para profesionalesspecialist toolprofessional tool .

Example: Modern cars and vans require specialist tools and electronic devices to ensure the correct maintenance and corrective action is applied.

Example: To be successful you need professional tools, top quality supplies and also the knowledge of how to use them.

» para uso del profesionalprofessional-use .

Example: As a trend, GPO sees fewer consumer-oriented publications and more professional-use titles.

» producto para profesionalesspecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» profesional bibliotecariolibrary professional .

Example: The advent of automation in libraries has brought about changes in the role of the library professional.

» profesional dedicado al servicioservice professional .

Example: Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.

» profesional dedicado a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice professional .

Example: Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.

» profesional de la bibliotecalibrary professional .

Example: The advent of automation in libraries has brought about changes in the role of the library professional.

» profesional de la comunicacióncommunications professional .

Example: The University's press office is staffed by experienced journalists and communications professionals.

» profesional de la educacióneducational professional .

Example: Educational professionals have proven beyond doubt that intellectual and physical stimuli can vastly improve the quality of life of mentally handicapped adults.

» profesional de la enseñanzaeducational professional .

Example: Educational professionals have proven beyond doubt that intellectual and physical stimuli can vastly improve the quality of life of mentally handicapped adults.

» profesional de la gestión documentalinformation management professional .

Example: Its underlying principles offer opportunity for information management professionals.

» profesional de la informacióninformation officerinformation professionalinformation workerinfo pro .

Example: The nature of the users, their background, their work, the frequency with which they use the system, and their mode of access to the system (that is, through an intermediary information officer, or directly) are all factors to be considered.

Example: It is an issue that directly impacts upon us as information professionals, and one that offers us a large number of potential research questions that need answering.

Example: In particular we are concerned with those techniques which are of interest to librarians and information workers.

Example: The article is entitled 'More practices we'd like to see less: many vendors continue to 'ambush' the info pros - their most loyal customers'.

» profesional de la saludhealth professional .

Example: A series of tutorials are being developed aimed at health professionals working in tropical countries.

» profesional de las bibliotecas y la informaciónlibrary and information professional .

Example: Here you'll find events, specialist information and networking opportunities for library and information professionals.

» profesional de la tecnología de la informacióninformatics professional .

Example: Medical librarians and informatics professionals believe the medical periodical literature can be useful in clinical practice.

» profesional encargado de la gestión de documentosrecords professional .

Example: Although it is difficult to imagine when we consider the differences between archivists and records managers, these two types of records professionals share common origins and common agendas.

» profesionales de la información, losinformation community, the .

Example: There are a lot of things that can be done for all segments of the library community, the information community, and the community that serves library and information users.

» profesionales de la saludhealing professions .

Example: The healing professions and the authorities in charge of correctional institutions are not yet aware of the potentialities of bibliotherapy.

» profesionales de las bibliotecas y la información, loslibrary and information profession, the .

Example: We must ensure that IFLA is positioned to represent the world wide library and information profession as we gallop towards the information society = Debemos asegurarnos de que la IFLA pueda representar a la profesión de bibliotecario y documentalista de todo el mundo conforme nos precipitamos hacia la sociedad de la información.

» profesionales sanitarioshealing professions .

Example: The healing professions and the authorities in charge of correctional institutions are not yet aware of the potentialities of bibliotherapy.

» profesional informáticocomputer professional .

Example: At this point it is opportune to attempt to distinguish briefly between the cataloguer's sort of database, in essence a computer-based file of bibliographic records, and the computer professional's, which is a much more general collection of data.

» profesional médicomedical professional .

Example: The creation of a new medical professional, the 'informationist', has sparked debate among medical librarians on education for medical librarianship.

» profesional sanitariohealth-care workerhealth workerhealth professionalhealth care professionalmedical professionalhealth care provider .

Example: The article 'The librarian in the hospice' describes how the librarian seeks to support St Christopher's Hospice staff in caring for dying patients while also handling many requests from health-care workers in the UK and abroad for information.

Example: This manual was developed to help health workers in developing nations to teach expectant mothers about pregnancy and childbirth.

Example: A series of tutorials are being developed aimed at health professionals working in tropical countries.

Example: This article points to ways in which information technology can be of assistance to healthcare professionals.

Example: The creation of a new medical professional, the 'informationist', has sparked debate among medical librarians on education for medical librarianship.

Example: Health care providers should make adequate analgesia easily available to all women who request it during medical abortion.

» trabajar con un profesionalto sit with Nellie [Expresión utilizada para indicar una persona sin experiencia debe trabajar con otra persona experta para aprender de ella] .

Example: Before the dawning of our high tech Utopia, neophyte factory workers were often told 'to sit with Nellie', who was an experienced worker, to learn their skills.

profesional2 = occupational ; professional ; vocational ; workmanlike. 

Example: The United States Labor Department has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law and executive directives.Example: Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.Example: Large numbers of students are choosing short vocational courses today.Example: If the book fulfils a useful function for the students of this subject at the appropriate level then the author should congratulate himself on having done a useful workmanlike job.


» actividad profesionalprofessional activityline of business .

Example: IFLA's Professional Board deals with coordinating and planning professional activities and consists of the Chariperson from each of the eight Divisions, plus a Chairperson elected from the outgoing Professional Board by the incoming Professional Board members.

Example: The computer people are muscling in on our line of business and we can't stop them.

» activismo profesionaladvocacy .

Example: However, what American libraries mean by advocacy is 'Work to overcome obstacles that the enquirer encounters in trying to secure help from outside resource agencies'.

» afiliación profesionalprofessional membership [Pertenencia a una asociación profesional]professional affiliation [Pertenencia a una asociación profesional] .

Example: Data on doctoral graduates are discussed in terms of socioeconomic factors, educational background, position held, prior professional experience, salaries, professional membership, and publications.

Example: To the best of her knowledge, she has no professional affiliations that create conflicts of interest with her editorial responsibilities.

» ambición profesionalcareerism  .

Example: The present crisis of careerism versus liberal arts is a blessing in disguise, forcing humanities faculty to adjust their teaching and thinking to basic questions of value and use.

» asesoramiento profesionalcareer(s) advice .

Example: The main reasons mentees joined the scheme were to enhance professional networking and to receive career advice.

» asesor de salidas profesionalescareer(s) adviser [Persona que en una institución educativa asesora a los estudiantes sobre las futuras salidas profesionales de las distintas carreras] .

Example: Every one of our careers advisers has specific knowledge and information on a number of occupations and leading employers in that sector.

» asociación profesionalguild [gild]professional association .

Example: Its gossamer parts, the precise location and alignment involved in its construction, would have occupied a master craftsman of the guild for months.

Example: Up until ten years ago, the status of library professionals made it difficult to consolidate the identity of the profession and affected the growth and virtuality of the professional associations.

» boxeador profesionalprizefighter  .

Example: The prizefighter hit the yokel a hundred times while the yokel held up his arms in stunned surprise.

» carrera profesionalprofessional career .

Example: The curriculum is of sufficient scope to provide the student with a foundation for a professional career, for business, or for home life.

» categoría profesionaljob grade .

Example: The jobs that form a part of a specific job grade have similar job descriptions and requirement of knowledge, skills and abilities, thus making the pay scale similar for all those jobs.

» código de ética profesionalprofessional code of ethics .

Example: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.

» compartir la experiencia profesionalpool + expertise .

Example: This is a prototype online support Web based system pooling expertise which can be shared widely.

» con experiencia profesionalprofessionally-qualified .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'By hook or by crook: planning a year's syllabus for professionally-qualified students'.

» consejero de salidas profesionalescareer(s) adviser [Persona que en una institución educativa asesora a los estudiantes sobre las futuras salidas profesionales de las distintas carreras] .

Example: Every one of our careers advisers has specific knowledge and information on a number of occupations and leading employers in that sector.

» consejero sobre salidas profesionalescareer counsellor .

Example: Career counselors should reevaluate some personal attitudes toward gay individuals and consider the role of advocate for young homophiles seeking employment.

» contactos profesionalesnetworkingprofessional networking .

Example: The article focusses on the need for and the importance of networking as a strategy for effective sharing, exchange and dissemination of information.

Example: The main reasons mentees joined the scheme were to enhance professional networking and to receive career advice.

» con titulación profesionalprofessionally educated .

Example: There is a limited market for professionally educated librarians with specialisation in prison librarianship.

» con una fuerte orientación profesionalcareer-mindedcareer-focused .

Example: You will be a good husband to a professional career-minded woman -- but be prepared that she'll wear the breeches in your relationship.

Example: New career-focused courses open doors for students.

» con una gran ambición profesionalcareer-mindedcareer-focused .

Example: You will be a good husband to a professional career-minded woman -- but be prepared that she'll wear the breeches in your relationship.

Example: New career-focused courses open doors for students.

» con una orientación profesionalcareer-focused .

Example: New career-focused courses open doors for students.

» crear un fondo común de experiencias profesionalespool + expertise .

Example: This is a prototype online support Web based system pooling expertise which can be shared widely.

» cultura profesionalprofessional culture .

Example: There is still a gulf separating the 2 professional cultures of data processing and public telecommunications.

» de aspecto profesionalprofessional-looking .

Example: A word-processor will allow you to be more productive and issue professional-looking materials in a minimum amount of time.

» deber profesionalprofessional duty .

Example: Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.

» de forma poco profesionalunprofessionally .

Example: It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.

» de manera poco profesionalunprofessionally .

Example: It is our opinion that those officials who have acted unprofessionally and unethically remove themselves from their position in IFLA.

» desarrollo profesionalcareer development .

Example: This paper describes the importance of team management to career development, as well as the meshing of organizational and individual needs, and views the career as a longitudinal concept.

» desarrollo profesional del personalstaff development .

Example: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

» ejército profesionalprofessional army .

Example: The Italian government has passed a new law abolishing compulsory military service in favour of the creation of a professional army.

» ejército profesional, elregular army, the .

Example: The regular army is the permanent force of any country's army that is maintained during peacetime, as opposed to those persons who may be part of a reserve army or the national guard.

» empresa de servicios profesionalesprofessional services firm .

Example: For any professional services firm, there will be different customer groups with different needs and expectations.

» enfermedad profesionaloccupational disease .

Example: They sought to prevent occupational accidents and disease by incorporating health and safety standards in contracts.

» enseñanza profesionalvocational education .

Example: This paper describes the on-line data bases available to agencies dealing with adult and vocational education in the USA = Este artículo describe las bases de datos en línea que puede usar los organismos que tratan de la enseñanza profesional y la educación de acultos en los Estados Unidos.

» establecer contactos profesionalesnetworking .

Example: The article focusses on the need for and the importance of networking as a strategy for effective sharing, exchange and dissemination of information.

» estatus profesionaljob status .

Example: Envy and jealousy, particularly regarding salaries and job status, will not help librarians to stay competitive in the 21st century.

» ética profesionalprofessional ethicswork ethic .

Example: The professional ethics of librarians and information workers support the ideal of free and equal access to knowledge = La ética profesional de los bibliotecarios y profesionales de la información apoya el ideal de acceso libre e igualitario al conocimiento.

Example: With his interest in the process of making something, the craftsman embodies the traditional work ethic, with his respect for people and his concern for quality and thrift.

» expectativas profesionalescareer expectations .

Example: Additional questions sought to determine the career expectations of these students.

» experiencia profesionalcareer experienceexpertisestaff expertiseprofessional skillsprofessional experienceprofessional expertise .

Example: The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.

Example: Its primary function is to provide a centre for software and hardware expertise for its members.

Example: By centralizing stock and staff it is possible for everyone to have access to a wider range of staff expertise.

Example: Chapter 1 provides an overview of today's reference services, suggesting the rich possibilities for applying basic professional skills.

Example: Data on doctoral graduates are discussed in terms of socioeconomic factors, educational background, position held, prior professional experience, salaries, professional membership, and publications.

Example: This article points the way to success through marketing, professional expertise and the personal touch.

» experiencia profesional comúnpool of expertise .

Example: Its relevance and quality benefit from the considerable pool of expertise available in the organisation.

» falta de ética científica profesionalscientific misconduct .

Example: The author of 'Glory days or the lure of scientific misconduct' looks at fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in scientific research.

» falta de ética profesionalunethical behaviourunethical conductmalpractice [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]professional malpracticemisfeasance  .

Example: The pressure to publish leads to unethical behaviour by researchers producing wasteful publication in order to remain visible.

Example: A chapter on adequate cause for dismissal addresses incompetency, neglect of duty, insubordination, and immoral or unethical conduct.

Example: Malpractice may be defined as any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in the performance of professional duties through intentional carelessness or simple ignorance.

Example: If you suspect that you are a victim of professional malpractice, it is imperative to hire an intrepid advocate who can put right the wrong done to you.

Example: Successful misfeasance cases against office-holders are unusual.

» falta de ética profesional de génerosexual misconduct .

Example: Sexual misconduct in schools is a problem that has gained increasing attention, from the headlines to the High Court, in the last decade.

» falta de ética profesional sexualsexual misconduct .

Example: Sexual misconduct in schools is a problem that has gained increasing attention, from the headlines to the High Court, in the last decade.

» formación profesionalvocational trainingfurther educationprofessional trainingprofessional educationvocational education .

Example: Vocational training is currently subject to strong pressure to change.

Example: The single term 'college library' covers a broad spectrum of further and higher education, ranging from those housed in colleges of further education, to those in polytechnics and colleges of higher education.

Example: 80% find their professional training only partly corresponding to the job requirements.

Example: Professional education got off to an early start in Spain.

Example: This paper describes the on-line data bases available to agencies dealing with adult and vocational education in the USA = Este artículo describe las bases de datos en línea que puede usar los organismos que tratan de la enseñanza profesional y la educación de acultos en los Estados Unidos.

» futuro profesionalprofessional future .

Example: The article 'Professional futures - why the prospects are so rosy' considers the future prospects for the information professional in the information society.

» grupo profesionaljob grade .

Example: The jobs that form a part of a specific job grade have similar job descriptions and requirement of knowledge, skills and abilities, thus making the pay scale similar for all those jobs.

» herramienta profesionalspecialist toolprofessional tool .

Example: Modern cars and vans require specialist tools and electronic devices to ensure the correct maintenance and corrective action is applied.

Example: To be successful you need professional tools, top quality supplies and also the knowledge of how to use them.

» institución profesionalprofessional institution .

Example: When the institution of education rubs up against the professional institution, there are bound to be some tensions.

» intrusismo profesionalencroachment by other professionalsencroachment by other professions .

Example: Let me remind readers of these memos that I am not an attorney and have no particular incentive to help them protect their turf from encroachment by other professionals.

Example: It will help protect our scope of practice from encroachment by other professions and help define exercise physiology as a true profession.

» Junta Profesional de la IFLAIFLA's Professional Board .

Example: IFLA's Professional Board deals with coordinating and planning professional activities and consists of the Chariperson from each of the eight Divisions, plus a Chairperson elected from the outgoing Professional Board by the incoming Professional Board members.

» literatura profesionalprofessional literature .

Example: Friends of the Library groups are largely undocumented in the professional literature at non-doctoral granting colleges and universities.

» meta profesionalcareer goal .

Example: With over 108000 employees and offices in 130 countries, Maersk has the scope to help you achieve even your most ambitious career goals.

» músico profesionalprofessional musician .

Example: Professional musicians face a nearly four times greater risk of developing hearing loss compared to the rest of the public.

» negligencia profesionalmalpractice [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]professional malpracticemisfeasance  .

Example: Malpractice may be defined as any professional misconduct or unreasonable lack of skill in the performance of professional duties through intentional carelessness or simple ignorance.

Example: If you suspect that you are a victim of professional malpractice, it is imperative to hire an intrepid advocate who can put right the wrong done to you.

Example: Successful misfeasance cases against office-holders are unusual.

» nivel profesionalprofessional leveljob grade .

Example: There are several ways to gather information on entry level salaries as well as on other professional level jobs = Hay varias formas de recoger información sobre los salarios iniciales así como los de otros niveles profesionales.

Example: The jobs that form a part of a specific job grade have similar job descriptions and requirement of knowledge, skills and abilities, thus making the pay scale similar for all those jobs.

» no profesionalnon-professional [nonprofessional] .

Example: In such ways parents and teachers can get together and learn from each other, breaking down the barriers of mistrust that often exist between the 'expert' professionals and the 'ignorant' nonprofessionals.

» objetivo profesionalcareer goal .

Example: With over 108000 employees and offices in 130 countries, Maersk has the scope to help you achieve even your most ambitious career goals.

» organismo profesionalprofessional body .

Example: Much of the initiative in drafting the proposed law on libraries has come from government and professional bodies rather than from library workers.

» orientación profesionalcareer informationcareer educationvocational guidance .

Example: Table 3 shows that providing homework help, promoting books and reading, announcing library events, and providing college and/or career information are among the top goals librarians set for their Web pages = La Tabla 3 nos muestra que ofrecer ayuda con los deberes, promocionar libros y fomentar la lectura, anunciar actividades de la biblioteca y ofrecer información universitaria y de orientación profesional están entre los objetivos principales que los bibliotecarios persiguen con sus páginas web.

Example: The author describes 3 data bases used for career education in Oregon where she is Education Information Specialist = La autora describe tres bases de datos utilizadas para la orientación profesional en Oregon donde es Especialista en Información sobre Educación.

Example: Non-repayable grants are available for vocational training and guidance, recruitment and wage subsidies, resettlement and technical advice concerned with job creation.

» pérdida de las técnicas profesionalesde-skilling .

Example: The same sort of breakdown of an individual may be experienced through so-called 'de-skilling' occurring because of communications and informations technologies (e.g. data entry operators).

» perfil profesionalcareer profile .

Example: This the career profile of Robert Migneault, currently associate dean of library services at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

» personal profesionalprofessional staff .

Example: There are divergences of opinion within the library profession about the proper division of labour between professional and clerical staff.

» poco profesionalamateurish  ; unprofessional .

Example: The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.

Example: It was not explained why it was considered unprofessional for an experienced reference librarian to do the same at a much higher level.

» producto profesionalspecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» promoción profesionalcareer movement .

Example: Special attention should be given to Figure 2, which proposes two lattices (or ladders) for career movement in libraries.

» revista profesionalprofessional journal .

Example: Because textbooks cannot keep pace with progress, it is essential to read professional journals.

» salidas profesionalesemployabilityjob opportunitiescareer development .

Example: The ultimate test of the effectiveness of curriculum development is the employability of the graduates produced.

Example: This article examines why job opportunities remain limited for women librarians.

Example: Irvine considers status and job security, and Matarazzo discusses career development and job mobility.

» satisfacción profesionalprofessional satisfactionjob satisfactionwork satisfaction .

Example: The Institute has a very small paid staff and a very large supporting cast of people up and down the country who serve it for the professional satisfaction they gain from it.

Example: As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.

Example: The author concludes that librarians respond positively to such motivation factors as sense of achievement, recognition, and work satisfaction.

» secretos profesionalessecurity classification .

Example: Having failed to make that note, there was no further justification for several possible subject tracings like CENSORSHIP -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, security classification -- UNITED STATES-CASE STUDIES, and so on.

» solidaridad profesionalprofessional solidarity .

Example: At the meeting librarians were urged to express their professional solidarity with their colleagues.

» tarjeta profesionalbusiness card .

Example: Advertising on buses, merchandise, and business cards for staff are being used.

» tener una fuerte vocación profesionalbe career oriented .

Example: To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.

» titulación profesionalprofessional qualification .

Example: The minimum professional qualifications in archaeology are a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or a closely related field.

» título de formación profesionalvocational degree .

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

» título profesionalprofessional qualification .

Example: The minimum professional qualifications in archaeology are a graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or a closely related field.

» trayectoria profesional como bibliotecariolibrary career .

Example: The article 'Ervin Gaines: synthesizer, rationalizer, and apostle of cultural elitism' examines the library career of Ervin Gaines, late director of the Cleveland Public Library and Minneapolis Public Library.

» vida profesionalprofessional life .

Example: Moreover, the citizens of Europe have a right to know about the various measures and decisions taken in their name and which can have a direct impact upon their private or professional lives.

» visita a centros profesionalesstudy tour [Visita a centros relacionados con la carrera profesional del visitante y localizados en ciudades o países diferentes del de origen] .

Example: A holiday is a possible alternative to a study tour, but the disadvantage is that the student may find it harder to meet librarians.

Profesional synonyms

master in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: mæstɜr part of speech: noun pro in spanish: Pro, pronunciation: proʊ part of speech: adjective, noun expert in spanish: experto, pronunciation: ekspɜrt part of speech: noun, adjective paid in spanish: pagado, pronunciation: peɪd part of speech: adjective white-collar in spanish: de cuello blanco, pronunciation: waɪtkɑlɜr part of speech: adjective nonrecreational in spanish: no recreativo, pronunciation: nɑnrɪkrieɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective professional person in spanish: persona profesional, pronunciation: prəfeʃənəlpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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