Profanación in english


pronunciation: desəkreɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

profanación = desecration ; profanation. 

Example: Two mortuary workers have been questioned over the desecration of a Muslim woman's body by covering it with rashers of bacon, police announced today.Example: With many others in Israel he had been greatly distressed by the profanation of the temple.


» profanación de tumbasgrave robbingbody-snatching .

Example: By the close of the 18th century, grave robbing was a common practice in Britain and the terms used describe these men included body snatchers and grave robbers.

Example: In an especially fine chapter, he shows how debates on political economy linked moral battles over such seemingly disparate issues as slavery, feminism, and body-snatching.

Profanación synonyms

blasphemy in spanish: blasfemia, pronunciation: blæsfəmi part of speech: noun sacrilege in spanish: sacrilegio, pronunciation: sækrələdʒ part of speech: noun profanation in spanish: profanación, pronunciation: prɔfəneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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