Productor in english


pronunciation: prədusɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

productor1 = developer ; producer ; producer ; production company ; emanating body. 

Example: Packages are used by many clients of the developer, and this very fact can lead to many benefits.Example: For some categories of materials it can be difficult to distinguish publishers from distributors and/or producers.Example: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.Example: The production company is the organization that determines the content and form of a motion picture and is responsible for its manufacture or production.Example: Some libraries with greater financial resources may opt for obtaining material direct from the emanating body as being more reliable and cheaper in the long run.


» Asociación Americana de Productores CinematográficosMotion Picture Association of America .

Example: Today, nudity, sex, and excessive violence are not an issue and even the raciest films would garner a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, and most are even tamer than that.

» Comité de las Organizaciones de Productores AgrCommittee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA) .

Example: Pride of place must go to the Committee of Agricultural Produce Organizations (COPA) of which the United Kingdom member is the National Farmer's Union (NFU).

» país productor de información científicascience producer .

Example: This is however not the case for universities in the other countries even though there are significant differences between those countries as 'science producers'.

» precio del productorproducer price .

Example: Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.

» productora cinematográficafilm company .

Example: This book examines the activities of publishing houses, record companies, and film companies.

» productor de aplicaciones informáticasapplication(s) developer .

Example: In order to facilitate the acceptance of the Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI), a common host interface must be developed to isolate the hardware differences in host adaptors for applications developers.

» productor de bases de datosdatabase producer .

Example: However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.

» productor de cinefilm maker [filmmaker/film-maker]moviemaker [movie maker] .

Example: Additional attemps have been made to standardize terms for categories of audiences and film makers through the creation of thesauri.

Example: Filled with an overwhelming inspiration, the two moviemakers decided to take a stab at the world of television by turning the camera on themselves.

» productor de lanawool producer .

Example: This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.

» productor de softwaresoftware housesoftware producer .

Example: There are three sources of applications software: (a) bought off-the-shelf; (b) commissioned from a software house; (c) written in-house, either by the librarian or by the computer staff.

Example: In the case of a software protection program, the producer claimed breach of license agreement against a software producer whose software unlocks the protection program.

» productor de vídeovideographer  .

Example: Other artistic productions in cyberspace will be the province of museologists, videographers, and art collectors.

» productor de vídeosvideo developer .

Example: While the DVD format is gaining a following among video developers, its application in the education market has advanced only very slowly.

» productor de vinowinemakervintner .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

Example: He has a special gift for spotting California vintners before they become renowned.

productor2 = originating. 

Example: Refinements allow the user to search for: the originating agency; the date of exposure; the image format; the cloud cover; satellite; etc..


» entidad productoraemanatorship  .

Example: Footnote 2 from AACR, chapter 21, partially explains emanatorship: 'Consider a work to have emanated from a corporate body if it is issued by that body or has been caused to be issued by that body or if it originated with that body'.

» productor de bienesgoods-producing .

Example: For the first time there are decidedly more government employees than goods-producing employees according to the Department of Labor.

Productor synonyms

manufacturer in spanish: fabricante, pronunciation: mænjəfæktʃɜrɜr part of speech: noun
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