Producto in english


pronunciation: prɑdəkt part of speech: noun
In gestures

producto = commodity ; product ; ware ; offering ; emanation. 

Example: Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.Example: Printed title indexes which could be used as elementary subject indexes were one of the first products of computerised information retrieval systems.Example: This term ostensibly describes 'human ware' aspects of IT application and services.Example: Currently SilverPlatter's major offering in this key topic area is 'Food Science and Technology Abstracts'.Example: CCRC has considered radical things that don't seem to fit in with any of these aims, such as abandoning main entry and restricting corporate authorship by eliminating it entirely, and now euphemistically calling it corporate emanation.


» asociación de compradores de un tipo de productosconsumers union .

Example: It has earned a reputation as a watchdog and consumers union in the medical equipment industry with its international problem reporting network, published in HEALTH DEVICES ALERTS (HDA) on DIALOG.

» comercializar un productocarry [Tercera persona carries, pasado y participio carried]market + product .

Example: This article describes attempts by manufacturers, retailers and distributors of map software to persuade booksellers in the USA to carry their products.

Example: Other library materials must be suitably treated at the outset to prolong life and fortunately many products are marketed which aid the librarian in this task.

» comprar a plazos apartando el productolay away .

Example: Any retail seller which permits consumers to lay away consumer goods will provide a written statement of the terms and conditions of the agreement = Cualquier comercio que permita a los consumidores comprar a plazos apartando los productos les proporcionará un documento escrito de las condiciones del acuerdo.

» comprar comparando productosshop aroundshopping around .

Example: In strong contrast to, say, television sets and instant coffee, where the consumer may save by shopping around, there is no advantage to be gained by going to one shop rather than another for a book so far as price is concerned.

Example: Consequently, the skill of shopping around and assessing the cost-effectiveness of a supplier's goods and services is important for the librarian to develop.

» con todo tipo de productosfully-stockedwell-stocked (with) .

Example: If your plan is to have a fully-stocked bar, here's a list of the basic spirits, liqueurs, and mixers to buy.

Example: Defoe's eighteenth century style full of tedious moralizing and philosophical musings, and not exactly well-stocked with dramatic excitements to relieve the steady pace, seemed not at all to put him off.

» cultivar productos frescosgrow + fresh produce .

Example: This property has the potential for the astute investor to subdivide it into 1 hectare lots or simply use it to rear horses or grow fresh produce.

» Denominación Común de Productos Industriales (NIPRO)Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO) [Clasificación de productos industriales de acuerdo con la rama de la industria a la que pertenecen] .

Example: The Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO) is a classification of industrial products constructed according to the NACE framework.

» Denominación de Productos para las Estadísticas del Comercio Externo de laNomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE) .

Example: The Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE) was devised in order to facilitate the presentation of comparable statistics on intra- and extra-Community trade.

» desarrollo de nuevos productosproduct development .

Example: The author reviews the kind of information that is valuable to pharmaceutical companies in product development and marketing of pharmaceutical products.

» documentos producto de investigaciónresearch materials .

Example: We have the most comprehensive collection of research materials on chess and checkers in the world.

» empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productosproduct developer .

Example: There is a need for more communication between teacher librarians and product developers so that specific needs are satisfied.

» empresa de productos cárnicosmeat packerpacking plant .

Example: Proper livestock handling is extremely important to meat packers for obvious ethical reasons.

Example: He was as good as his word, and invited me to take a tour around the packing plant with Patricia, the manager there.

» energía producto de la fisiónfission energy .

Example: How can we channel this fission energy so that children help each other through the network of social relationships which so much affect their likes and dislikes?.

» evaluación de los productosproduct rating .

Example: In general, process and product ratings by students and supervisors were very positive.

» exposición de productos artesanalescraft show .

Example: While living in upstate New York, Mark sold his woodcraft at craft shows and flea markets.

» fiel a un productobrand-loyal .

Example: A brand-loyal bunch, 75 percent of men use only one or two types of cologne at a time = Fieles a una marca, el 75% de los hombres usan uno o dos tipos de colonia simultáneamente.

» gama de productosproduct mixproduct range .

Example: The library's products can be arranged within the three-dimensional structure of product mix, product line and product item.

Example: Future demand is likely to be influenced by requirements for a wide product range.

» gestión de la oferta de productosrange management .

Example: The author advocates a shakeup in merchandise selection and range management.

» industria de los productos lácteos, ladairy industry, the .

Example: The dairy industry is a very classic case of how we've managed liberalisation to our own detriment since imported milk is no longer cheap.

» industria de productos cárnicosmeat packing industry .

Example: Some critics say today's meat packing industry in America is little better than a century ago.

» información de precios de productos para el consumoretail prices [Información diaria sobre los precios de mercado de ciertos productos claves para el ama de casa] .

Example: Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.

» información sobre un productoproduct literature .

Example: It goes without saying that advertising claims should be treated with caution, but product literature should contain all the necessary technical information about the system.

» ingestión de productos lácteosdairy intake .

Example: mong children, there was no consistent association between dairy intake and anthropometric indices of body fat.

» introducir un (nuevo) productolaunch + a (new) product .

Example: In launching a product, it is imperative that you have a clear idea about the people that you are aiming for.

» lanzamiento de un productoproduct launch .

Example: A successful product launch is dependent upon timing, planning, and realistic expectations.

» lanzar un (nuevo) productolaunch + a (new) product .

Example: In launching a product, it is imperative that you have a clear idea about the people that you are aiming for.

» ley de responsabilidad por el productoproduct liability law [Ley que obliga al fabricante a hacerse responsable del malfuncionamiento de los productos que pone en venta] .

Example: Product liability laws allow the customer to sue for damage because of deficient or incorrent documentation.

» línea de productosproduct line .

Example: IBM decided to alter radically its personal computer product line due to a significant loss of market share during 1985 and 1986.

» oferta de productosproduct offering .

Example: The library market is dynamic as well and changes in information needs should affect their product offerings.

» producto agrícolaagricultural productfarm product .

Example: This sections has as its objectives the improvement of the quality of agricultural products and of their distribution and the development of outlets for agricultural produce.

Example: This city is is the location of important branch offices for many of the country's industrial giants, especially those companies that deal with farm products and related machinery.

» producto alimenticiofood product .

Example: To promote food products, it is essential that exaggerated claims must be avoided, for the consumer 'once bitten is twice shy'.

» producto banderashowpiecepiece of resistance .

Example: Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» producto básicostaple .

Example: Library school courses on subject literatures of the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities have been a common curriculum staple since the late 40s.

» producto bibliográficobibliographic product .

Example: If your library is making use of a bibliographic pool, the index to this pool should also be searched.

» producto comercialcommercial productretail product .

Example: This library can only be furnished with commercial products if usage is billable and protected.

Example: Of 33 retail products examined, including skinless sausages, hot-dog sausages and frankfurters, 25 (75%) contained levels of mineral hydrocarbons from 10 to 105 milligrams per kilogram.

» producto comercializablevendible .

Example: Vendibles include water supply for municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes and the production of hydroelectric power.

» producto cosméticocosmetic product .

Example: The article is entitled 'Information retrieval for the safety evaluation of cosmetic products'.

» producto culturalcultural product .

Example: Electronic information resources must be viewed as cultural products and preserved as part of our cultural heritage.

» producto deborn of .

Example: He traces the creation of what he terms the Andean 'interculture', or the historical multiculture born of colonialism.

» producto de bolleríabakery product .

Example: Meal obtained by processing of olive marc is used as additive to various bakery products intended for human nutrition.

» producto de consumoconsumable  ; consumer productconvenience product .

Example: Increasingly worrying to all however was the provision of the expensive consumables of the IT trade -disks, tapes and stationery.

Example: Despite the controversy, DAT marches on as a consumer product.

Example: On top of everything else, these corporations sponsor 'scientific' studies where their product is pitted against a worse convenience product.

» producto de cosméticacosmetic product .

Example: The article is entitled 'Information retrieval for the safety evaluation of cosmetic products'.

» producto defectuosodefective productreject .

Example: This article discusses the dangers of defective products and the difference between design errors and manufacturing defects.

Example: They can hold prices down by short-circuiting the wholesalers and buying rejects and unsold merchandise.

» producto de fumigarfumigant .

Example: Thymol is used as a fungicide and ethylene oxide as a fumigant for insects and mould and a steriliser to kill bacteria.

» producto de importaciónimported product .

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» producto de la combinaciónrecombinant .

Example: The author proposes a very different model, with examples to show how recombinant ideas can lead to previously unknown solutions to scientific problems.

» producto de la imaginaciónwork of imagination .

Example: Some novels, usually referred to as `literary' novels, are serious works of imagination which aspire to being genuine contributions to thought and culture.

» producto de la informacióninformation commodity .

Example: The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.

» producto de la necesidadborn of necessity .

Example: Though born of necessity, the positive results of the programme have implications for the organisation, housing, and preservation of collections.

» producto de la tierralocally grown .

Example: Those on the other side of the debate are equally vehement that locally grown organic food is preferable to imported organic food.

» producto del conocimientoknowledge record [Cualquier manifestación escrita, electrónica, auditiva, plástica, etc. del conocimiento humano y que puede ser almacenada para su posterior recuperación] .

Example: Abstracting, like classification and indexing, is a procedure for representing the content of knowledge records in order to lead a user to appropriate information.

» producto de limpiezacleaning productcleanser  ; cleaner .

Example: Sources of indoor air pollution range from outdoor air to tobacco smoke, photocopiers, cleaning products and pesticides.

Example: Sprinkled on a damp scrubber, baking soda can be used as a gently abrasive cleanser for kitchen countertops, sinks, bathtubs, and ovens.

Example: Materials covered in this booklet include: aerosols; deodorizers; cleaners; drain cleaners; fingernail polish/remover; handcleaners; moth crystals; oven cleaners; and wood preservatives.

» producto de pasteleríabakery product .

Example: Meal obtained by processing of olive marc is used as additive to various bakery products intended for human nutrition.

» producto de + Posesivo + imaginacióna figment of + Posesivo + (own) imagination .

Example: So, it happens that we become a figment of our own imagination -- a constantly changing chameleon, whose shades alter to suit its environment.

» producto de primera necesidadbasic commodity .

Example: Dramatic surge in basic commodity prices has already provoked riots and is considered as a serious threat to national stability.

» producto derivadooutgrowth  ; by-product [byproduct]spinoff [spin-off]off-shoot [offshoot] .

Example: The founders of the public library considered the library to be the outgrowth of the public education movement and an agency for postgraduate public education.

Example: A partial inventory of the collection was a by-product of bar-coding.

Example: I was in for yet another of those numerously produced fantasies in which a pubescent child gets involved with underworld beings that are substandard versions of Le Guin's 'The Wizard of Earthsea' or peritonitic spinoffs from the detritus of ill-digested Tolkien.

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

» producto derivado de la grasa animalfat product .

Example: The different methodologies and techniques used to extract and analyse lipids and lipid extracts from food (milk, milk products, oil seeds, fat products) and biological materials are discussed.

» producto desconocidoforeign substance .

Example: Drinks, food, cigarettes, chewing gum or any other foreign substance should never be brought onto the dance floor.

» producto de temporadaseasonal foodseasonal product .

Example: Cooking with seasonal foods allows you to reap the benefits of the natural harvest cycle = El cocinar con alimentos de temporada permite aprovechar los beneficios de la cosecha natural.

Example: Some seasonal products are so addictive that we spend the whole year looking forward to them.

» producto emblemáticoshowpiecepiece of resistance .

Example: Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» producto especializadospecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» producto estrellastar product .

Example: Most burger joints, chicken places and smoothie shops link their star product to their name.

» producto farmacéuticopharmaceutical [Nombre]pharmaceutical product .

Example: The emphasis of both developed and developing countries has been on pharmaceuticals.

Example: The author reviews the kind of information that is valuable to pharmaceutical companies in product development and marketing of pharmaceutical products.

» producto finalend productfinished productdeliverable  ; final product .

Example: The end product of this stage will be an index string which encompasses both terms and operators.

Example: The students are 'finished products,' who are able to transfer their self-confidence and knowledge to their jobs.

Example: The main deliverable of this project will be the final report = El principal producto de este proyecto será el informe final.

Example: It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.

» producto final, elfinished work, the .

Example: For storytelling and reading aloud are performance arts: They involve a script (even when the words are improvised on the spot), an interpreter (the teller or reader), and an audience, and as in all performances, the audience plays a part in molding the finished work.

» producto frescofresh food .

Example: Street markets for fresh food, once the main source for the UK urban population, are now a minor contributor to overall sales.

» producto genéricogeneric brandgeneric product .

Example: I love shopping just like any other girl out there, but I'm never afraid of opting for generic brand items if it means saving me lots of money.

Example: Although generic diapers, toilet paper, condiments and cheese simply aren't worth the savings, there are a few generic products that make the grade.

» producto higiénicohygiene product .

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

» producto importadoimportimported product .

Example: Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» producto industrialindustrial product .

Example: The Common Nomenclature of industrial products (NIPRO) is a classification of industrial products constructed according to the NACE framework.

» producto informativoinformation product [Todo aquello cuyo objetivo es presentar o difundir información] .

Example: This article outlines the economic aspects of information products and suggests that availablity of information provides users with freedom of choice.

» producto inorgánicoquímicoinorganic chemical .

Example: The ability to name inorganic chemicals, given their chemical formulae, is essential both to chemists and students of chemistry.

» Producto Interior Bruto (PIB)Gross Domestic Product (GDP) .

Example: An extrapolation of the UK regional ILL figures shows that the Gross Domestic Product can be used to predict the volume of the interlending market.

» producto lácteodairy productmilk product .

Example: The OECD publishes annual supply balance sheets for meat, dairy products and eggs, and food consumption statistics, for each of its twenty-four member states.

Example: The different methodologies and techniques used to extract and analyse lipids and lipid extracts from food (milk, milk products, oil seeds, fat products) and biological materials are discussed.

» producto lógicological product .

Example: Logical product, symbolized by A AND B, A, B, A x B or (A)(B).

» producto medicinalmedicinal product .

Example: The car boot is a far from ideal environment for the storage of medicinal products, subject as it is to extremes of temperature.

» Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB)Gross National Product (GNP) [El valor total de los bienes y servicios producidos por un país en un año; cifra que se toma como medida del rendimiento económico de un país] .

Example: While the government plans to spend 2% of Gross National Product by year 2000 on research, funding for research libraries is cut.

» producto naturalnatural product .

Example: Sesame seed oil is a natural product with many therapeutic qualities.

» producto ofrecidooffering .

Example: Currently SilverPlatter's major offering in this key topic area is 'Food Science and Technology Abstracts'.

» producto orgánicoorganic product .

Example: Many grocery stores are creating their own lines of natural and organic products, and you need to be very careful when buying them.

» producto orgánico químicoorganic chemical .

Example: UTAB is a computer database on residues of xenobiotic organic chemicals and heavy metals in plants.

» producto para el hogarhousehold product .

Example: These organic compounds are released continuously into the indoor environment from a number of sources including building materials, furnishings and household products like air fresheners.

» producto para especialistasspecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» producto para la conservaciónpreservative .

Example: Bitumen used as a preservative in ancient Egyptian mummies was previously thought to come only from the Dead Sea in Palestine.

» producto para la higienehygiene product .

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

» producto para profesionalesspecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» producto petroquímicopetrochemical [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Part 3 consists of five industry studies representing foreign direct investment in the United States: electronics, the automobile industry, petrochemicals and chemicals, and the pharmaceutical industry.

» producto principalstaple .

Example: Library school courses on subject literatures of the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities have been a common curriculum staple since the late 40s.

» producto profesionalspecialist product .

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.

» producto promocionaltie-in [Producto relacionado con un libro, película, acontecimiento que se comercializa generalmente para despertar el interés del público] .

Example: A new book on cookery or gardening by a well-known writer in the field (perhaps helped along with a television series 'tie-in') will generally sell in good numbers on publication.

» producto químicochemical [Nombre]chemical product .

Example: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.

Example: Chemical products are indexed for retrieval by a variety of codes and terms.

» producto químico usado en agriculturaagrochemical .

Example: This prolonged dry spell has cast a pall of gloom over the agrochemical business.

» productosgoods [Generalmente usado en el plural]merchandise .

Example: CACs have dealt with pre-shopping advice, education on consumers' rights and complaints about goods and services, advising the client and often obtaining expert assessments.

Example: The bookseller is concerned with a more noble form of merchandise than any other and he is thus an aristocrat among traders.

» productos agrícolasagricultural produce .

Example: This sections has as its objectives the improvement of the quality of agricultural products and of their distribution and the development of outlets for agricultural produce.

» productos alimenticiosfood supplysupply of food .

Example: This study investigated the mechanisms by which these changes have impacted on birds and their food supplies.

Example: Previous studies in which squirrels were provisioned with an abundant supply of food found a reduction in the rate of caching.

» productos artesanos en maderawoodcraft .

Example: While living in upstate New York, Mark sold his woodcraft at craft shows and flea markets.

» productos cárnicosmeat products .

Example: Food samples included a selection of sausages, beverages, sliced meat products, including chicken liver, and some fruits, including raspberries, bananas, and banana peels.

» productos de bellezabeauty supplies .

Example: As I discussed in our first article in this series, there is a time to scrimp and a time to splurge on beauty supplies.

» productos de confiteríaconfectionery .

Example: Confectionery advertisements are generally more likely to be broadcast during children's programs than during adults' programs on television stations.

» productos decorados con tela escocesatartanware  .

Example: The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.

» productos de imitaciónimitation goodsreplica goods .

Example: The total worldwide damage caused by the sale of imitation goods over the Internet is estimated at around 30 billion dollars per year.

Example: This company has been a manufacturer of replica goods since 1989 .

» productos de pasteleríaconfectionery .

Example: Confectionery advertisements are generally more likely to be broadcast during children's programs than during adults' programs on television stations.

» productos de temporadaseasonal produce .

Example: Therefore, there are great variations in seasonal produce output, even within any given state.

» productos ecológicosorganic produce .

Example: We sell only certified organic produce and stock a higher percentage of organic items than other major grocery chains.

» producto secundariooff-shoot [offshoot]by-product [byproduct] .

Example: In common with many other databases, MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) was primarily an offshoot from a printed indexing service.

Example: A partial inventory of the collection was a by-product of bar-coding.

» productos enlatadostinned goods .

Example: The point they forget in using tinned goods is this, so long as the air is excluded from the interior of the tin no chemical action goes on whatever.

» productos frescosfresh produce .

Example: Our company is committed to providing highest-quality fresh produce throughout the year.

» productos impresosprint media .

Example: The studies also revealed that the research journals received highest credibility among print media for information gathering by the scientists followed by books.

» productos lácteosdairy producedairy foods .

Example: This document discusses the factors to be considered in the purchase of meat and offal (liver, kidneys, heart, etc.), fish, fruit, vegetables, dairy produce, and frozen foods.

Example: Kids with lactose intolerance have trouble digesting a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy foods.

» productos manufacturadosmanufacturing goodsmanufactured goods .

Example: Exports of manufacturing goods to former communist countries have declined sharply, but exports to the European Community across an array of goods -- including heavy machinery -- have grown robustly.

Example: But books not only differ significantly from other manufactured goods; they differ between themselves.

» productos nacionalesdomestic goods .

Example: The four main sources of tax revenue in Barbados are taxes on domestic goods and services, imports, and national insurance contributions.

» productos ópticosoptical mediaoptical products .

Example: However, magnetic storage is easily erased and overwritten, while optical media are usually of the read-only (permanent or semi-permanent) type.

Example: This paper lists areas of user expectations in access software for CD-ROM and other optical products.

» productos orgánicosorganic produce .

Example: We sell only certified organic produce and stock a higher percentage of organic items than other major grocery chains.

» productos perecederosperishables .

Example: Some of the exhibition's objects are plaster casts of such perishables as dying daffodil heads and hoof prints.

» productos prohibidoscontraband .

Example: All but four of the laws are of a civil nature, three involving pupils with contraband in their school lockers and the other one concerning breach of the peace by college students.

» producto tóxicotoxic .

Example: The article 'Turning the Tide on Toxics' lists some of the toxic chemicals found around the home.

» producto vendiblevendible .

Example: Vendibles include water supply for municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes and the production of hydroelectric power.

» promoción de productosproduct-promoting .

Example: While some sites are strictly parody intended or product-promoting, some intentionally lure the unsuspecting into information provided by hate groups or other agenda-laden organisations.

» representante de productos farmacéuticospharmaceutical company representative .

Example: The resources of the Health Sciences Library were found to be strained by the use made by pharmaceutical company representatives.

» retirada de un producto del mercadoproduct recall .

Example: Toyota seems to have got into a pickle with this product recall issue, but they remain one of the best motor vehicle makers in the world.

» selección de productosmerchandise selection .

Example: The author advocates a shakeup in merchandise selection and range management.

» ser producto despin offbe the product of .

Example: A computerized search facility has been spun off from the basic work.

Example: This will be seen to be the product of the desire to meet, wholly or in part, the needs of nutrition.

» ser un producto de su tiempobe a product of + Posesivo + time .

Example: Clearly any book is a product of its time and classification schemes are no exception.

» tienda de productos ecológicoshealth food shophealth food store .

Example: There has been a health food shop on this site for 30 years but it changed ownership and name in August 2005.

Example: There's a great deal of deception in the labeling of food products found at your local grocery store and even at many health food stores.

» vender un productocarry [Tercera persona carries, pasado y participio carried] .

Example: This article describes attempts by manufacturers, retailers and distributors of map software to persuade booksellers in the USA to carry their products.

» volver a promover un productorehyping .

Example: Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.

Producto synonyms

production in spanish: producción, pronunciation: prədʌkʃən part of speech: noun merchandise in spanish: mercancías, pronunciation: mɜrtʃəndaɪz part of speech: noun intersection in spanish: intersección, pronunciation: ɪntɜrsekʃən part of speech: noun wares in spanish: mercancías, pronunciation: werz part of speech: noun mathematical product in spanish: producto matemático, pronunciation: mæθəmætɪkəlprɑdəkt part of speech: noun
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