Productivo in english


pronunciation: prədʌktɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

productivo = productive. 

Example: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.


» poco productivounproductive .

Example: Miss Visser comments that she underwent extensive training in preparation for automation, but feels that training given at too early a stage is unproductive.

» reunión productivaproductive meetingfruitful meeting .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

Example: We had a very fruitful meeting and are grateful for the local support we have received.

Productivo synonyms

bearing in spanish: cojinete, pronunciation: berɪŋ part of speech: noun prolific in spanish: prolífico, pronunciation: proʊlɪfɪk part of speech: adjective rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective fat in spanish: gordo, pronunciation: fæt part of speech: adjective, noun creative in spanish: creativo, pronunciation: krieɪtɪv part of speech: adjective successful in spanish: exitoso, pronunciation: səksesfəl part of speech: adjective fecund in spanish: fecundo, pronunciation: fekənd part of speech: adjective arable in spanish: cultivable, pronunciation: erəbəl part of speech: adjective fertile in spanish: fértil, pronunciation: fɜrtəl part of speech: adjective profitable in spanish: rentable, pronunciation: prɑfətəbəl part of speech: adjective fruitful in spanish: fructífero, pronunciation: frutfəl part of speech: adjective fissiparous in spanish: fissiparous, pronunciation: fɪsɪperəs part of speech: adjective generative in spanish: generativo, pronunciation: dʒenɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective cultivable in spanish: cultivable, pronunciation: kʌltɪvəbəl part of speech: adjective originative in spanish: originario, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒənətɪv part of speech: adjective tillable in spanish: cultivable, pronunciation: tɪləbəl part of speech: adjective amentaceous in spanish: amentáceo, pronunciation: æmənteɪʃəs part of speech: adjective amentiferous in spanish: amentífero, pronunciation: æməntɪfrəs part of speech: adjective cultivatable in spanish: cultivable, pronunciation: kʌltəveɪtəbəl part of speech: adjective oil-bearing in spanish: con aceite, pronunciation: ɔɪəlbɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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