Producción in english


pronunciation: prədʌkʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

producción = making ; production ; yield ; throughput ; vintage ; release ; output ; writing ; crafting ; manufacturing ; manufacture. 

Example: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.Example: Early work led to the production of over twenty special schemes in various areas of knowledge.Example: Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.Example: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.Example: Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.Example: But first we must create the conditions for single-mindedness and hence the release of our energies (one senses much pent-up energy mixed up with our professional frustrations).Example: A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.Example: His library, a rare survival of the Graeco-Roman period, comprised his own writings and philosophical readings.Example: This volume tellingly reveals the many negotiations, improvisations, sleights-of-hand, and slipknots that were a part of the crafting of Hitchcock's films.Example: An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to supervision of the manufacturing.Example: Typically a patent abstract is informative, and includes in the case of an article, its method of making or manufacture.


» aumento de la producciónincreased production .

Example: One means to combat this problem involves the increased production of acid-free paper.

» boletín de la producción editorialbooktrade journal [Publicación periódica que recoge las últimas obras editadas por las diferentes editoriales de un país] .

Example: Librarians are alerted to these new bibliographical tools by announcements through the mail, as well as ads and notes in library and booktrade journals.

» cadena de producciónproduction chainproduction line .

Example: The scholarly publishing system is not a true market one and nearly all the costs that occur at the various points in the information production chain are ultimately borne by institutions.

Example: In recent years, digital imaging in many institutions evolved from being a highly sophisticated art into something resembling a production line.

» cadena de producción y distribución, lasupply chain, the .

Example: Companies are moving towards cooperative relationships in an effort to make the supply chain as a whole more competitive.

» campo petrolífero de producción regularmarginal field .

Example: Priority is awarded to projects aiming to maximise the yield from oil reservoirs where the natural drive is weak so as to increase their flow rate and make marginal fields viable.

» capacidad de producciónthroughput [Cantidad de material que una empresa es capaz de procesar] .

Example: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.

» coproduccióncoproduction [co-production] .

Example: Some publishers are entering into longterm, multiproperty licensing arrangements, while others participate in television coproductions and seek synergies with sister companies.

» costes de producciónproduction costs .

Example: Production costs, and therefore ultimate copy purchase prices, are very high for printed library catalogues becauses sales are rarely very large in number.

» costos de producciónproduction costs .

Example: Production costs, and therefore ultimate copy purchase prices, are very high for printed library catalogues becauses sales are rarely very large in number.

» cuota de producciónproduction quota .

Example: Production quotas, I believe, are antithetical to careful, thoughtful cataloging.

» deficiente producciónunder-production  .

Example: People with myelofibrosis have a defect in their bone marrow that leads to overproduction or underproduction of various blood cells.

» equipo de producciónproduction team [Grupo de personas encargadas del control de la producción]production equipment .

Example: As one of the most price sensitive markets in the trade, publishers are finding that the answer to making the figures add up lies largely with their production teams.

Example: Some of the simpler maintenance routines necessary for production equipment can be carried out by the user.

» externalizar la producciónoutsource + production .

Example: The first few (unpatriotic) corporations to outsource production were cutting a fat hog, riding on the backs of third-world laborers.

» forma de producciónmode of production .

Example: The capitalist mode of production sets man's political development on a trajectory which results in the bestialisation of man and the valorisation of his most animal traits.

» incremento de la producciónincreased production .

Example: One means to combat this problem involves the increased production of acid-free paper.

» indicador de producciónoutput indicator .

Example: Scientists in 11 laboratories described their research activities over 5 years and provided output indicators, including publications in the refereed and general literature = Científicos de 11 laboratorios describieron sus actividades investigadoras durante 5 años y proporcionaron indicadores de producción, incluidas publicaciones en la literatura general y en la evaluada por expertos.

» índice de producciónoutput indicator .

Example: Scientists in 11 laboratories described their research activities over 5 years and provided output indicators, including publications in the refereed and general literature = Científicos de 11 laboratorios describieron sus actividades investigadoras durante 5 años y proporcionaron indicadores de producción, incluidas publicaciones en la literatura general y en la evaluada por expertos.

» industria dedicada a la producción de carne de vaca, labeef industry, the .

Example: The apparent success of the project suggests it can be used or adapted for other members of the beef industry, having regard for their particular circumstances = El aparente éxito del proyecto sugiere que se puede utilizar o adaptar para otros miembros de la industria dedicada a la produccion de carne de vaca, teniendo en cuenta sus circunstancias particulares.

» insuficiente producciónunder-production  .

Example: People with myelofibrosis have a defect in their bone marrow that leads to overproduction or underproduction of various blood cells.

» jefe de producciónproduction manager .

Example: A production manager is involved with the planning, coordination and control of manufacturing processes.

» medio de producciónmeans of production .

Example: Agricultural prices include the purchase prices of the means of production and selling prices, i.e., producer and wholesale prices but not retail prices, of animal and crop products.

» modo de producciónmode of production .

Example: The capitalist mode of production sets man's political development on a trajectory which results in the bestialisation of man and the valorisation of his most animal traits.

» producción agrícolaagricultural production .

Example: Information networks are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information which will facilitate the increased quality and quantity of agricultural production.

» producción alimenticiafood production .

Example: While the new technology increased food production, it also caused wealthy farmers to benefit more than the landless.

» producción asistida por ordenador (CAM)CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) .

Example: The combination of a computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system has brought enormous lead times savings at a company that produces aluminium foil containers.

» producción bibliográficaliterature [Conjunto de documentos que tratan de una materia concreta]bibliographic output .

Example: Indexing journals (and the indexes to printed abstracting journals) are alphabetical indexes to the literature of a subject area.

Example: This data base is intended to control the bibliographic output of Australian agriculture, and to provide the means whereby lists, bibliographies, etc. may be generated for the purposes of the cooperating bodies.

» producción bibliográfica sobre biblioteconomíalibrary literature .

Example: In addition, he has lectured in may places and has contributed numerous articles and reviews to library literature.

» producción cárnicameat production .

Example: Statistics are also available on yields of individual fruit and vegetable crops, monthly meat and milk production, and chick hatchings.

» producción científicapublication outputscientific outputresearch writingsscholarly literaturescholarly output .

Example: A study of 20 schools in the USA showed that publication output is not consistent for schools associated with Carnegie Research institutions.

Example: This article reviews the scientific output of the State of Kuwait on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its independence.

Example: Findings indicate that the research writings of the discipline cite periodical articles most heavily.

Example: The obvious alternative would be denial of access to scholarly literature.

Example: The forces encouraging increasing scholarly output go a long way towards explaining the operation of the system and the genesis of the crisis.

» producción científica de investigaciónresearch literature .

Example: In the 70s satisfying local demand on research literature became increasingly difficult.

» producción cinematográficafilm making [filmmaking] .

Example: Principles used in film making are drawn on heavily to classify navigational techniques applied to the searching of multimedia data bases.

» producción conjuntajoint production .

Example: Joint publicity has taken the form of shared displays and staff at exhibitions and joint production of leaflets and posters.

» producción de alimentosfood production .

Example: While the new technology increased food production, it also caused wealthy farmers to benefit more than the landless.

» producción de artículosarticle productivity .

Example: Arguments against ranking journals by article productivity are legion.

» producción de carne de vacabeef production .

Example: One of the main lines of research by this department concerns the improvement of beef production = Una de las principales líneas de investigación de este departamento se ocupa en la mejora de la producción de la carne de vacuno.

» producción de documentosdocument production .

Example: The use of international standards is important for users because it safeguards investments previously made in technical document production.

» producción deficienteunder-production  .

Example: People with myelofibrosis have a defect in their bone marrow that leads to overproduction or underproduction of various blood cells.

» producción de huevosegg production .

Example: But even if free-range hens were given all the space they could use, they will still be killed for meat when their egg production wanes.

» producción de librosbook productionbook publishing .

Example: Children's book production has expanded during the last 15 years.

Example: Electronic publishing can never completely replace book publishing.

» producción de vinowinemaking .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» producción dramáticatheatre productiontheatre show .

Example: This article considers the research needs of those producing amateur theatre production (costumes and scenery) and suggests ways in which they may work closely with public libraries.

Example: He has also collaborated on six theatre shows that have toured both in Britain and Europe.

» producción editorialbook productionbook publishingpublishing output .

Example: Children's book production has expanded during the last 15 years.

Example: Electronic publishing can never completely replace book publishing.

Example: A current national bibliography reflects the culture, character and current interests of a country by recording its publishing output.

» producción industrialindustrial production .

Example: Thierry Breton, finance minister, blamed technical stoppages in the automobile sector for much of the 0.3 per cent drop in industrial production.

» producción insuficienteunder-production  .

Example: People with myelofibrosis have a defect in their bone marrow that leads to overproduction or underproduction of various blood cells.

» producción lácteamilk productionmilk yield .

Example: Statistics are also available on yields of individual fruit and vegetable crops, monthly meat and milk production, and chick hatchings.

Example: Similarly the Zoologist will not be particularly interested in having with Zoology documents on, say, milk yields for Friesian cows in England and Wales.

» producción lecheramilk yieldmilk production .

Example: Similarly the Zoologist will not be particularly interested in having with Zoology documents on, say, milk yields for Friesian cows in England and Wales.

Example: Statistics are also available on yields of individual fruit and vegetable crops, monthly meat and milk production, and chick hatchings.

» producción literarialiterature .

Example: Hearing books read will then be the only way they can receive the great body of the best literature in their native tongue.

» producción multimediamedia production .

Example: The Internet challenges traditional distinctions between media production and consumption.

» producción siderúrgicairon and steel production .

Example: This book provides basic information covering every aspect of iron and steel production.

» producción teatraltheatre productiontheatre show .

Example: This article considers the research needs of those producing amateur theatre production (costumes and scenery) and suggests ways in which they may work closely with public libraries.

Example: He has also collaborated on six theatre shows that have toured both in Britain and Europe.

» relacionado con la producciónproduction-related .

Example: We'll be able to purchase equipment we've been wanting for ages: an electronic offset printer; collators and folding machines and other graphic production-related paraphernalia.

» tasa de producciónproduction rate .

Example: Spreadsheet programs allow the manager to set up mathematical models of various aspects of the organization such as cash flow and production rates.

» vaca dedicada a la producción de lechemilk-producing cow .

Example: The use of genetically produced growth hormone in milk-producing cows may adversely impact the safety of the milk supply.

» zona de producción de trigowheatbelt .

Example: This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

Producción synonyms

product in spanish: producto, pronunciation: prɑdəkt part of speech: noun
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