Prodigio in english


pronunciation: prɑdədʒi part of speech: noun
In gestures

prodigio = prodigy ; whiz(z) kid ; whiz(z). 

Example: To be a prodigy in music, for example, is to be a mimic, to reproduce what you hear from grown-up musicians.Example: As banks collapse and thousands are laid off, former finance industry whizz-kids say they have never looked back after quitting their jobs.Example: An enormously talented woman with a resume of unparalleled excellence, she is a whiz at design with many books and other projects to her credit.


» joven prodigiogolden boywonder boy .

Example: James Corden, who until not so long ago was the golden boy of British comedy, perhaps knows this better than anyone else just now.

Example: He was born with a severe heart condition but now, after a couple of years of training, he is the 'wonder boy' that all the doctors want to meet.

» niño prodigiochild prodigygolden boywonder boy .

Example: Parents can help the development of a child prodigy in an infinite number of ways, ranging from the attentive but not too pushy to the downright obsessive.

Example: James Corden, who until not so long ago was the golden boy of British comedy, perhaps knows this better than anyone else just now.

Example: He was born with a severe heart condition but now, after a couple of years of training, he is the 'wonder boy' that all the doctors want to meet.

Prodigio synonyms

wonder child in spanish: niño Maravilla, pronunciation: wʌndɜrtʃaɪld part of speech: noun
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