Prodigar in english


pronunciation: lævɪʃ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prodigar = lavish ; fritter away ; loosen + the purse strings ; rain. 

Example: The physical nature of the book is the aspect on which the major amount of study is likely to be lavished.Example: Most of the money spent was frittered away on projects that did nothing to make America safer.Example: But will she loosen the purse strings after traveling the country and seeing first-hand how her own staff are missing basic tools?.Example: They usually come to Israel each year to study or work, but this time found themselves instead scurrying for cover as Hamas rained missiles on Israel.

Prodigar synonyms

prodigal in spanish: pródigo, pronunciation: prɑdɪgəl part of speech: adjective, noun rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective generous in spanish: generoso, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective lush in spanish: lozano, pronunciation: lʌʃ part of speech: adjective shower in spanish: ducha, pronunciation: ʃaʊɜr part of speech: noun plush in spanish: felpa, pronunciation: plʌʃ part of speech: noun munificent in spanish: munificente, pronunciation: mjunɪfəsənt part of speech: adjective unstinting in spanish: unstint, pronunciation: ənstɪntɪŋ part of speech: adjective unsparing in spanish: despiadado, pronunciation: ənsperɪŋ part of speech: adjective plushy in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: plʊʃi part of speech: adjective lucullan in spanish: lucullan, pronunciation: lukələn part of speech: adjective unstinted in spanish: sin sello, pronunciation: ənstɪntɪd part of speech: adjective overgenerous in spanish: excesivo, pronunciation: oʊvɜrdʒenɜrəs part of speech: adjective too-generous in spanish: demasiado generoso, pronunciation: tudʒnɜrʌs part of speech: adjective
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