Procreación in english


pronunciation: proʊkrieɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

procreación = reproduction ; procreation. 

Example: Included are also rare imprints in the history of medicine such as Edward Rigby's work on birth and reproduction.Example: Fertility is falling due to the declining value given to procreation.


» derechos en materia de procreaciónreproductive rights .

Example: This article highlights 5 World Wide Web sites giving information on reproductive rights legal history.

» salud en materia de procreaciónreproductive health .

Example: She has undertaken desk and field research and produced information sources on nutrition and reproductive health.

Procreación synonyms

breeding in spanish: cría, pronunciation: bridɪŋ part of speech: noun reproduction in spanish: reproducción, pronunciation: riprədʌkʃən part of speech: noun
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