Procesión in english


pronunciation: prəseʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

procesión = pageant ; procession. 

Example: The reader is like her: he sits watching the diverse pageant of human thought and human feeling passing across the gleaming mirror of literature.Example: That passage contains an alliterative procession of half-rhymed words and too many commas.


» en procesiónin procession .

Example: A flame pierces the darkness as a large ceremonial candle, symbol of Christ, is carried in procession into the church.

» la procesión se lleva por dentrostill waters run deeptears of a clown .

Example: They may appear cold but 'still waters run deep' -- they have much sympathy and understanding for intimate friends.

Example: When I told her about Robin Williams's death, a famous stand-up comedian who suffered from depression, she was upset like everyone else and the first thing she said was "Tears of a clown".

» la procesión va por dentrostill waters run deeptears of a clown .

Example: They may appear cold but 'still waters run deep' -- they have much sympathy and understanding for intimate friends.

Example: When I told her about Robin Williams's death, a famous stand-up comedian who suffered from depression, she was upset like everyone else and the first thing she said was "Tears of a clown".
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