Procesar in english


pronunciation: prɑses part of speech: noun
In gestures

procesar = digest ; process ; prosecute ; execute ; crunch ; try. 

Example: It remains important that the abstract be an accurate representation of the content of the document, and that the abstract be easy for the reader to scan and digest.Example: Store permits the processing of the information that it contains, but, after processing, the data in the store differs from the initial content (for example, in the editing and amending of catalogue records).Example: Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.Example: Some cataloguing may be conducted by a technical services department, whilst other cataloguing may be executed in the local studies department, or the children's library.Example: Each time you crunch a potato chip you hear yourself crunching the chip, and now when you hear someone else crunching it activates your own action neurons.Example: The Government is now trying him on criminal charges for allegedly misleading officials early in the investigation.


» procesar la devolución del préstamocharge incheck in .

Example: The document is not charged in or renewed.

Example: The document is checked in and the name of the borrower for whom it is held is displayed in the call number column.

» procesar por lotesbatch-process .

Example: At first, such databases were 'batch' processed; that is, an enquiry was sent off, processed, and two to three weeks later a computer print-out listing relevant references would be received by the enquirer.

» procesar una cola de esperaclear + a queue [Atender a los trabajos que hay en espera de ser procesados] .

Example: The queue may be cleared in any order you feel comfortable with.

» ser procesadostand (for) + trialface + trial .

Example: Knowing that the trials were inherently unfair and he was almost certain to be convicted and executed, Corey refused to stand for trial.

Example: A woman who worked as a nanny for a couple was deemed fit to face trial on charges she stabbed two of their children to death in their home home last year.

» sin procesarunprocessed .

Example: The causes were accumulated dust on the books and an influx of unprocessed and unclean materials into the room.

» volver a procesarreprocess .

Example: When you use a previous query in a different database or a new work session, however, the system needs to reprocess it.

Procesar synonyms

work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb treat in spanish: tratar, pronunciation: trit part of speech: verb operation in spanish: operación, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun procedure in spanish: procedimiento, pronunciation: prəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun serve in spanish: servir, pronunciation: sɜrv part of speech: verb march in spanish: marzo, pronunciation: mɑrtʃ part of speech: noun sue in spanish: demandar, pronunciation: su part of speech: noun, verb appendage in spanish: apéndice, pronunciation: əpendɪdʒ part of speech: noun litigate in spanish: litigar, pronunciation: lɪtɪgeɪt part of speech: verb summons in spanish: citación, pronunciation: sʌmənz part of speech: noun, verb work on in spanish: trabajar en, pronunciation: wɜrkɑn part of speech: verb outgrowth in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: aʊtgroʊθ part of speech: noun cognitive process in spanish: proceso cognitivo, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvprɑses part of speech: noun swear out in spanish: jurar, pronunciation: sweraʊt part of speech: verb cognitive operation in spanish: operación cognitiva, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun unconscious process in spanish: proceso inconsciente, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃəsprɑses part of speech: noun
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