Procesamiento in english


pronunciation: prɑsesɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

procesamiento = computation ; manipulation ; processing ; throughput ; prosecution. 

Example: Frequently numeric data bases and the hosts which support them permit some computation and manipulation of the retrieved data.Example: Indexing may rely upon the facilities for the manipulation and ordering of data offered by the computer.Example: Often, the computer is used to aid in the processing of such indexes, and sometimes computer processing is responsible for the creation of multiple entries from one string of index terms.Example: This revision to the Decimal Classification was adopted immediately by BNB, which would otherwise have found great difficulty in classifying much of its throughput.Example: This article describes the legal consequences of the perpetration of these crimes and procedural aspects of their prosecution.


» cadena de procesamientoprocessing stream .

Example: As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.

» capacidad de procesamientoprocessing power .

Example: It is difficult to determine how much processing power is consumed by the operating system.

» CPU (Unidad Central de Procesamiento)CPU (Central Processing Unit) .

Example: The processing of data is carried out by a central processing unit (CPU) or microprocessor unit (MPU).

» postprocesamientopost-processing [Cualquier tarea relacionada con la manipulación de la información obtenida de una fuente bibliográfica. Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: Downloading and post-processing of information retrieved from on-line data bases adds to the value of search results.

» procesamiento de datosdata processing [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas] .

Example: Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.

» procesamiento de datos numéricosnumber-crunching .

Example: Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.

» procesamiento de informacióninformation processing .

Example: The right place for information processing is on the desktop of the person who is going to use it.

» procesamiento de préstamosloan processing .

Example: The Interlibrary Loan System increases resource sharing by providing effective loan processing.

» procesamiento de señalessignal processing .

Example: This new signal processing technique improves the detectability of buried anti-personnel land mines using a ground penetrating radar.

» procesamiento de textotext processing .

Example: Since 1981, a lower-cost option for text processing has been available: the personal computer with text-processing software.

» procesamiento de textosword processingwordprocessing .

Example: Obviously, staff will have to be instructed in the use of the new system, be it word processing or a full-scale circulation system.

Example: At Suffolk University library free unscheduled access is offered set up with software to perform a variety of tasks from wordprocessing to retrieving and manipulating commercial data files.

» procesamiento en lenguaje naturalnatural language processing .

Example: This article sketches a general interdisciplinary research effort in information retrieval which would take into account the methodologies, formalisms, and/or findings from natural language processing and linguistic theory.

» procesamiento informáticomachine processing .

Example: The flexibilities possible with machine processing will, at some time in the undefined future, obviate most of the problems not addressed.

» sistema de procesamiento de informacióninformation processing system .

Example: This document specifies the use of a wide magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between information processing systems.

» tasa de procesamientoprocessing rate [Número de documentos procesados] .

Example: The initial decision to refolder all of the senatorial papers affected the processing rates.
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