Procesador in english


pronunciation: prɑsesɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

procesador = processor. 

Example: Alternatively, the librarian may wish to purchase one of the wide range of products that other processors or generators may be stripping from the tape.


» multiprocesadormultiprocessor [multi-processor] .

Example: This article introduces multiprocessor retrieval algorithms that match relevant documents to user queries.

» procesador de lógica difusafuzzy query processor .

Example: This article proposes an architecture and data structures for a fuzzy query processor that uses a high level of abstraction and the data items of the data base records.

» Procesador de Matrices de Texto (TAP)Text Array Processor (TAP) .

Example: The GESCAN system is designed to be used with a VAX/VMS computer system with the addition of a special purpose processor called a Text Array Processor (TAP).

» procesador de númerosnumber cruncher .

Example: By this time computers were considered as information processing machines rather than merely 'number crunchers' for mathematical applications.

» procesador de textotext processor .

Example: It can interconnect text processors, personal computers and terminals to high-quality printers, computer-based file stores, facsimile machines, digital voice, video and other electronic office equipment.

» procesador de textosword processing softwareword processortext-processing software .

Example: Word processing software available for use on mainframe computers, microcomputers and word processors was originally designed for application where it is convenient to be able to store a text, then recall this text, and re-use it with minor modifications, at a later date.

Example: Word processing software available for use on mainframe computers, microcomputers and word processors was originally designed for application where it is convenient to be able to store a text, then recall this text, and re-use it with minor modifications, at a later date.

Example: Since 1981, a lower-cost option for text processing has been available: the personal computer with text-processing software.

» procesador de varios núcleosmulti-core processor .

Example: Multi-core processors represent a major evolution in computing technology and are becoming very popular today.

» procesador en paralelotransputer [Ordenador que procesa operaciones en paralelo] .

Example: Therefore the idea is to divide a picture into a number of segments, and distribute them among a series of microprocessors (transputers) for rapid and concurrent processing.

» procesador frontalfront end [front-end] [En informática, procesador que actúa de intermediario entre el procesador central y el usuario] .

Example: It describes a prototype interface that acts as a front end to a document storage facility, which allows the specification of uncertain queries and combines evidence about the relevance of documents to produce an overall ranking.

» procesador inferencialinference engineinference machine .

Example: An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.

Example: The 'problem-solving and inference machine' is put in place of today's processor.

Procesador synonyms

cpu in spanish: UPC, pronunciation: kaʊ part of speech: noun mainframe in spanish: Marco principal, pronunciation: meɪnfreɪm part of speech: noun central processing unit in spanish: unidad Central de procesamiento, pronunciation: sentrəlprɑsesɪŋjunət part of speech: noun central processor in spanish: procesador central, pronunciation: sentrəlprɑsesɜr part of speech: noun
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