Procedimiento in english


pronunciation: prɑses part of speech: noun
In gestures

procedimiento = mechanics ; procedure ; process ; routine. 

Example: However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.Example: To this end some consultative procedure is to be recommended.Example: The organisation of knowledge is a process that has been recognised as necessary for thousands of years.Example: Chain indexing is a simple mechanical routine for generating a limited number of index entries for a subject.


» cambio de procedimientoprocedural change .

Example: Even in casual discussions between the director and department heads ideas may come up which are suddenly translated into plans for action or procedural changes.

» de procedimientoprocedural .

Example: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.

» evaluación de procedimientosprocess rating .

Example: In general, process and product ratings by students and supervisors were very positive.

» manual de procedimientorules of procedure .

Example: The Committee's rules of procedure emphasize the equality of the institutions, by providing that the chairmanship should rotate among the members every six months.

» normas de procedimientorules of procedure .

Example: The Committee's rules of procedure emphasize the equality of the institutions, by providing that the chairmanship should rotate among the members every six months.

» procedimiento administrativoadministrative procedure .

Example: This article remarks critically on some administrative procedures which put hurdles in the way of more effective bibliographic production.

» procedimiento algorítmicoalgorithmic procedure .

Example: An algorithmic procedure is put forward by which a foreign language equivalent is found for an input word or expression.

» procedimiento a seguircode of practice .

Example: Information work has its own infrastructure and requires its own code of practice.

» procedimiento civilcivil proceedings .

Example: Those that cannot meet legal expenses can receive help from one of three legal aid schemes introduced by the government: legal advice and assistance, legal aid in civil proceedings and legal aid in criminal proceedings.

» procedimiento consultivoconsultative procedure .

Example: To this end some consultative procedure is to be recommended.

» procedimiento de cálculoarithmetic .

Example: Since the system's arithmetic depends upon the way amounts of money are entered, standards for entry for the various currencies must be established.

» procedimiento de conexiónlogon procedure [Pasos a seguir para poder acceder a un sistema informatizado] .

Example: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.

» procedimiento de desconexiónlogoff procedure .

Example: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.

» procedimiento de evaluación por expertosrefereeing procedure [Evaluación de los méritos de una persona realizada por otras personas que ocupan la misma categoría profesional que el evaluado] .

Example: Most commercial abstracting services rely upon the refereeing procedure applied to the original document in order to eliminate insignificant and inaccurate submissions.

» procedimiento de inscripciónenrolment procedure .

Example: Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.

» procedimiento de matrículaenrolment procedure .

Example: Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.

» procedimiento de reclamaciónappeals processappeals mechanismappeals procedure .

Example: Every call for proposals should have a clear appeals process that the claimant must follow to the letter.

Example: Appeals mechanisms must be put in place to allow units that are affected to respond.

Example: There is no limit on the number of times a student may take the tests, and there are appeals procedures for students who fail them twice.

» procedimiento de reclamacionesgrievance procedure .

Example: In this era, when the rights of employees are carefully protected, it is essential that organizations have a written, public grievance procedure.

» procedimiento de selecciónselection proceduresscreening procedure .

Example: The aim of the project is to refine selection procedures and improve the quality of books despatched to Africa.

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

» procedimiento electroestáticoelectrostatic process .

Example: The electrostatic process, sometimes known as xerography, was invented in the USA in 1938 = El proceso electroestático, a veces denominado xerografía, se inventó en los Estados Unidos en 1938.

» procedimiento jurídicolegal process .

Example: Adoption is a legal process that creates a new, permanent parent-child relationship where one didn't exist before.

» procedimiento legislativolegislative proceeding .

Example: A survey of state legislators finds that lawmakers support expanding television coverage of legislative proceedings to include gavel to gavel programming.

» procedimiento rápidofast track .

Example: The recently announced plan calls for creating a fast track for approving drugs for life threatening diseases = El plan anunciado recientemente demanda la creación de un procedimiento rápido para aprobar el uso de fármacos para enfermedades mortales.

» procedimiento reglamentariodue processprocedural justice .

Example: The fact-finding team found no evidence of discrimination, or unethical behaviour, but formal due process had not been observed.

Example: Distributive justice focuses on the fairness of rewards, while procedural justice focuses on the fairness of the procedures used in allocating rewards.

» procedimientos bibliotecarioslibrary procedures .

Example: Librarians can improve library service, operations and fiscal control through the application of computer technology and management science to library procedures.

» relativo al procedimientoprocedural .

Example: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.

Procedimiento synonyms

work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb treat in spanish: tratar, pronunciation: trit part of speech: verb operation in spanish: operación, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun procedure in spanish: procedimiento, pronunciation: prəsidʒɜr part of speech: noun serve in spanish: servir, pronunciation: sɜrv part of speech: verb march in spanish: marzo, pronunciation: mɑrtʃ part of speech: noun sue in spanish: demandar, pronunciation: su part of speech: noun, verb appendage in spanish: apéndice, pronunciation: əpendɪdʒ part of speech: noun litigate in spanish: litigar, pronunciation: lɪtɪgeɪt part of speech: verb summons in spanish: citación, pronunciation: sʌmənz part of speech: noun, verb work on in spanish: trabajar en, pronunciation: wɜrkɑn part of speech: verb outgrowth in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: aʊtgroʊθ part of speech: noun cognitive process in spanish: proceso cognitivo, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvprɑses part of speech: noun swear out in spanish: jurar, pronunciation: sweraʊt part of speech: verb cognitive operation in spanish: operación cognitiva, pronunciation: kɑgnɪtɪvɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun unconscious process in spanish: proceso inconsciente, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃəsprɑses part of speech: noun
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