Proceder in english


pronunciation: prəsid part of speech: verb
In gestures

proceder = derive. 

Example: The scheme was designed for the Library of Congress and many of the features of the scheme derived from this fact.


» cuando procedawhere appropriatewhen applicable .

Example: Most CABx operate a rota system of local solicitors who will provide free legal advice sessions, but not take any follow-up action, although cases are frequently transferred to the solicitor's normal practice under the Legal Aid Scheme where appropriate.

Example: When applicable, local and national sales/purchase taxes [e.g. Value Added Tax (VAT)] are included = Cuando proceda, se incluyen los impuestos locales y nacionales por las ventas/compras [por ejemplo, Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (IVA)].

» donde procedawhere applicable .

Example: For specifications pertaining to the form and structure to be used within a defined element, reference should be made, where applicable to other IFLA documents.

» proceder deemanate fromcome fromhail fromproceed from .

Example: Works with unknown or uncertain personal authorship, or works emanating from a body that lacks a name are to be entered under title.

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.

Example: Museum publication design hails from a classical tradition that favours conservatism, perhaps more than is desirable.

Example: Although nepotism is considered selfish, it proceeds from the generous impulse to pass something on to one's children, and this we think of as entirely praiseworth.

» proceder (de)originate (from) .

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» proceder deemanate fromcome fromhail fromproceed from .

Example: Works with unknown or uncertain personal authorship, or works emanating from a body that lacks a name are to be entered under title.

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.

Example: Museum publication design hails from a classical tradition that favours conservatism, perhaps more than is desirable.

Example: Although nepotism is considered selfish, it proceeds from the generous impulse to pass something on to one's children, and this we think of as entirely praiseworth.

» proceder dudosounfair practice .

Example: For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.

» proceder injustounfair practice .

Example: For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.

» que procede del exteriorinbound .

Example: PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.

» si procedeif applicableif appropriate .

Example: First, conduct your search as usual, and then sort the retrieved records if applicable.

Example: Such emergencies would include fires, floods, disturbances, and, if appropriate, the President will authorize the emergency plan to go into effect.

Proceder synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb keep in spanish: mantener, pronunciation: kip part of speech: verb move in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun continue in spanish: continuar, pronunciation: kəntɪnju part of speech: verb carry on in spanish: Continua, pronunciation: kæriɑn part of speech: verb go on in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: goʊɑn part of speech: verb go along in spanish: marcharse, pronunciation: goʊəlɔŋ part of speech: verb keep on in spanish: Continuar, pronunciation: kipɑn part of speech: verb go forward in spanish: avanzar, pronunciation: goʊfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb
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