Procedencia in english


pronunciation: ɔrədʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

procedencia = descent ; provenance ; origin. 

Example: The editions of a work need have little in common other than descent from a common origin.Example: This article redefines the archival principle of provenance as the entire history of an item's origin, its use and custody.Example: These rules have their origins in a report by the American Library Association.


» de procedencia escocesaScottish-born .

Example: For representatives of Carnegie libraries from around the world, a special programme will commemorate the Scottish-born philanthropist's extraordinary impact on public libraries.

» país de procedenciacountry of origin .

Example: Strictly speaking, the word piracy or infringement can be applied only to the flowing back of unauthorised reproductions to countries of origen = En su estricto sentido, la palabra piratería o infracción puede aplicarse solamente a la entrada de vuelta a los países de origen de reproducciones que se hayan hecho sin la debida autorización.

» procedencia culturalcultural background .

Example: The article 'Peanuts: a note on intercultural communication' outlines the role played by intercultural communication skills and aptitude in the work of public librarians dealing with users from different cultural backgrounds.

» procedencia étnicaethnic background .

Example: Ages on average are 18 to 48, and students are from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

» procedencia geográficageographical origin .

Example: The discussion is confined to the fold strength of paper in relation to its date and geographical origin.

» procedencia socialsocial background .

Example: For most people their social background is the most important factor in their development.

» procedencia socio-culturalbackground .

Example: Inevitably an author writes from his understanding and perspective; a user probably has a different background, level of understanding and experience of the same subject.

Procedencia synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun root in spanish: raíz, pronunciation: rut part of speech: noun source in spanish: fuente, pronunciation: sɔrs part of speech: noun blood in spanish: sangre, pronunciation: blʌd part of speech: noun descent in spanish: descendencia, pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun inception in spanish: comienzo, pronunciation: ɪnsepʃən part of speech: noun pedigree in spanish: árbol genealógico, pronunciation: pedəgri part of speech: noun genesis in spanish: génesis, pronunciation: dʒenəsəs part of speech: noun beginning in spanish: comenzando, pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun lineage in spanish: linaje, pronunciation: lɪniədʒ part of speech: noun ancestry in spanish: ascendencia, pronunciation: ænsestri part of speech: noun extraction in spanish: extracción, pronunciation: ekstrækʃən part of speech: noun parentage in spanish: familia, pronunciation: perəntədʒ part of speech: noun origination in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒəneɪʃən part of speech: noun bloodline in spanish: línea de sangre, pronunciation: blʌdlaɪn part of speech: noun line of descent in spanish: línea de descenso, pronunciation: laɪnʌvdɪsent part of speech: noun blood line in spanish: linea de sangre, pronunciation: blʌdlaɪn part of speech: noun
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