Procaz in english


pronunciation: lud part of speech: adjective
In gestures

procaz = ribald ; insolent ; caddish. 

Example: About this time several of the old crones of the tribe offered their ribald advice on how the new couple should conduct themselves off in the forest together.Example: He had always anathematized those who took unscrupulous advantage of their positions, and those who succumbed to their insolent methods.Example: He made a very boorish, embarassing, humiliating, inappropriate, caddish toast at their wedding.

Procaz synonyms

salacious in spanish: salaz, pronunciation: səleɪʃəs part of speech: adjective obscene in spanish: obsceno, pronunciation: ɑbsin part of speech: adjective lascivious in spanish: lascivo, pronunciation: ləsɪviəs part of speech: adjective dirty in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɜrti part of speech: adjective sexy in spanish: sexy, pronunciation: seksi part of speech: adjective lustful in spanish: libidinoso, pronunciation: lʌstfəl part of speech: adjective libidinous in spanish: libidinoso, pronunciation: lɪbədinəs part of speech: adjective
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