Procacidad in english


pronunciation: ɪnsələns part of speech: noun
In gestures

procacidad = ribaldry. 

Example: Other old crones added their ribaldries in like vein, amusing everyone but the young couple.

Procacidad synonyms

gall in spanish: hiel, pronunciation: gɔl part of speech: noun crust in spanish: corteza, pronunciation: krʌst part of speech: noun impudence in spanish: descaro, pronunciation: ɪmpudəns part of speech: noun impertinence in spanish: impertinencia, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrtɪnəns part of speech: noun freshness in spanish: frescura, pronunciation: freʃnəs part of speech: noun cheekiness in spanish: descaro, pronunciation: tʃikinəs part of speech: noun
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