Probable in english


pronunciation: prɑbəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

probable = likely ; probable ; prospective ; contingent. 

Example: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.Example: Mr Haykin acknowledges that we lack knowledge of the probable approach of various classes and categories of readers to the subject catalog.Example: The advocacy of title entry for serials implies an ideology which focuses on the publication as the principal object of interest of the prospective library user rather than the work conveyed by the book or publication.Example: Rapid contingent change is difficult for public sector SLIS but relatively straightforward for university SLIS.


» convertir en poco probablerender + Nombre + unlikely .

Example: The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.

» en el caso poco probable de quein the unlikely case (that) .

Example: In the unlikely case you do not receive the issue in 14-21 days, please submit a second claim.

» hacer poco probablerender + Nombre + unlikely .

Example: The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.

» hacer que sea poco probablerender + Nombre + unlikely .

Example: The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.

» lo más probable es quemost probably .

Example: Bought at an auction in 1920, they are most probably from the 18th or 19th century.

» menos probableleast likelyless likely .

Example: That is to say, class numbers were used in the first place to screen out parts of the data base which seemed least likely to contain relevant items.

Example: The same is not true, of course, of the humanities or social sciences, where the method is less likely to be successful.

» parecer probableseem + likely .

Example: It seems likely that it is between 80-90% complete but since there are some notable absentees the shortfall in total coverage is a significant one.

» poco probableunlikelyfar-fetched [farfetched] .

Example: This has led to some unlikely liaisons.

Example: If the situation arises in Britain as in the United States, where there is a proliferation of TV channels, and many local television stations, then it is perhaps not too far-fetched to imagine some of these transmitting either specialized or local teletext information.

» puntuación probableexpectancy score .

Example: Table 3 shows the average expectancy scores for all databases in each cluster/category.

» ser muy poco probablebe remote .

Example: The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.

» ser muy probablechances + be .

Example: I don't like to dampen her enthusiasm, but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks.

» ser muy probable quethere + be + every likelihood thatbe a good shot that .

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.

Example: If you've endured the agony of a divorce -- and more than 50 percent of Americans have -- there's a good shot you're paying alimony.

» ser muy probable que + hacer + una fortunastand to + make a fortune .

Example: However, there are those with huge financial stakes in green energy and green policy that continue to push forward with this agenda because if new legislation goes through, they stand to make a fortune.

» ser muy probable que + Subjuntivobe bound to + Infinitivo .

Example: The repetition of the author's name introduces new esoteric punctuation which is bound to puzzle the catalog user.

» ser probable quebe liable to .

Example: The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.

» ser probable (que)be likely (to) .

Example: As with any categorisation, the categories are likely to be imperfectly defined.

» ser probable que + haberthere + be + likely to be .

Example: Whatever the cause, there is likely to be confusion if we do nothing to distinguish such words.

» volver poco probablerender + Nombre + unlikely .

Example: The good citation renders such possible confusion unlikely.

Probable synonyms

plausible in spanish: plausible, pronunciation: plɔzəbəl part of speech: adjective likely in spanish: probable, pronunciation: laɪkli part of speech: adjective presumptive in spanish: presunto, pronunciation: prizʌmptɪv part of speech: adjective verisimilar in spanish: verosímil, pronunciation: verəsɪməlɜr part of speech: adjective equiprobable in spanish: equiprobable, pronunciation: ɪkwɪprəbəbəl part of speech: adjective
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