Probabilidad in english


pronunciation: prɑbəbɪləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

probabilidad = chance ; likelihood ; probability ; incidence ; odds ; maybe. 

Example: In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.Example: The intercession of the external agency places a further link in the chain between author and end-user, and hence must increase the likelihood of delay.Example: Our system should be one which reduces the probability of error as far a possible.Example: This enabled them to re-establish their own identities and relieved them of the incidence of getting involved in 'library business'.Example: Although her odds are now greatly reduced, Julia still has a chance of surviving her cancer.Example: Instead of ranking the documents retrieved in probable order of relevance, the conventional search sorts the relevant sheep from the irrelevant goats and ignores the fact that there are a lot of 'maybe's' involved.


» aumentar las probabilidadesshorten + the odds .

Example: The article 'Women in Management: Two Points of View. Shortening the Odds' urges parents to change their expectations of women and girls.

» con toda probabilidadin all probabilityprobabilityin all likelihoodthere + be + every likelihood that .

Example: It is unfortunately in all probability far too expensive to have a network of underfloor conduit everywhere in the library.

Example: Our system should be one which reduces the probability of error as far a possible.

Example: Now, in all likelihood, we have reached a saturation point at which there will be little construction of new strip malls for some time.

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.

» disminuir la probabilidadreduce + the chances .

Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.

» disminuir las probabilidadeslengthen + the odds .

Example: A new year is coming, students who fail to plan will lengthen the odds of achieving their potential.

» distribución de probabilidadespossibility distributionprobability distribution .

Example: The proposed similarity measure, based on a fuzzy Hausdorff distance, estimates the mismatch between 2 possibility distributions.

Example: Others have used possibility distributions for representing fuzzily known or incompletely known attribute values.

» error de probabilidadprobability of error .

Example: Probability of error, generalised Chernoff bounds and related parameters will be used as performance criteria.

» escasa probabilidadslim chancefaint chance .

Example: The article 'Slim chance for ethnic funding' explains how funding for library projects to provide assistance to ethnic minorities has almost dried up.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» existir toda probabilidad de quethere + be + every likelihood that .

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.

» haber muchas probabilidadesthere + be + a good chance .

Example: If she makes it for a year without a relapse, there's a good chance she'll be home free.

» haber muy poca(s) probabilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) leve(s) probabilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) remota(s) probabilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» haber (una) vaga(s) probabilidad(es) de quethere + be + a slim chance thatthere + be + a faint chance that .

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» incrementar + Posesivo + probabilidadesup + Posesivo + odds .

Example: Humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild.

» índice de probabilidadexpectancy ratio .

Example: The expectancy ratio supposes that each category cell has an expected value.

» la probabilidad es de uno en un millónchances are one in a million .

Example: Statistically, chances are one in a million that a mother gives birth to genetically identical triplets.

» leve probabilidadslim chancefaint chance .

Example: The article 'Slim chance for ethnic funding' explains how funding for library projects to provide assistance to ethnic minorities has almost dried up.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» mejorar las probabilidadesshorten + the odds .

Example: The article 'Women in Management: Two Points of View. Shortening the Odds' urges parents to change their expectations of women and girls.

» ninguna probabilidadfat chance .

Example: The article 'Fat chance' argues that the advantages of client server computing have not been realized because of the costs of management and tools.

» parecer una probabilidadloom up + a possibility .

Example: Since a freeze on all hiring was in effect, taking on new people was out of the question; but borrowing someone from another department loomed up a possibility -- if anyone could be spared.

» plantear una probabilidadpose + a possibility .

Example: I know that it's still premature, but let me pose a possibility.

» poca probabilidadslim chancefaint chance .

Example: The article 'Slim chance for ethnic funding' explains how funding for library projects to provide assistance to ethnic minorities has almost dried up.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» probabilidad de citacióncitability .

Example: The objective of this study was to quantify the citability of research contained in supplements and compare it with that for the parent journal.

» probabilidades a favor deodds in favour of .

Example: If the author was known but not the title the odds in favour of a positive response were two to one = Si el autor era conocido pero no el título las probabilidades a favor de una respuesta positiva eran de dos a una.

» probabilidades deodds in favour of .

Example: If the author was known but not the title the odds in favour of a positive response were two to one = Si el autor era conocido pero no el título las probabilidades a favor de una respuesta positiva eran de dos a una.

» probabilidades de éxitoodds of success .

Example: Though the proportion of ads that 'go viral' in any meaningful way is small, it is possible to increase your odds of success.

» probabilidades de fracasoodds of failure .

Example: The higher the perceived odds of failure, the more people will be scared away.

» probabilidades desfavorablesodds against .

Example: To achieve a full airing of concerns, librarians must work to overcome the unfavorable odds against the individual's access to unpopular or anti-establishment views.

» probabilidades en contra deodds against .

Example: To achieve a full airing of concerns, librarians must work to overcome the unfavorable odds against the individual's access to unpopular or anti-establishment views.

» reducir la probabilidadreduce + the chances .

Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.

» remota probabilidadslim chancefaint chance .

Example: The article 'Slim chance for ethnic funding' explains how funding for library projects to provide assistance to ethnic minorities has almost dried up.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» una probabilidad muy altaa sporting chance .

Example: By simplicity I mean the fewer the exceptions, the more of a sporting chance the user has of understanding the arrangement.

» vaga probabilidadfaint chance .

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

Probabilidad synonyms

chance in spanish: oportunidad, pronunciation: tʃæns part of speech: noun
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