Privilegiado in english


pronunciation: prɪvlədʒd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

privilegiado = advantageous ; privileged. 

Example: However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.Example: Public libraries were often in a privileged position to access such information and present it in a form acceptable to the public.


» abuso de información privilegiadainsider tradinginsider dealing .

Example: Gambling creates problems such as the sale of lottery tickets to minors and those who cannot afford it, and encourages unlawful practices such as theft and insider trading.

Example: In addition, he suggests that the City men who made the markets spin exploited the gullible through insider dealing and rigged markets.

» comunicación privilegiadaprivileged communication [Información que comparten dos individuos, por ejemplo un abogado y su cliente, que por ley puede ser mantenida en secreto y no revelarse sin el consentimiento de ambos] .

Example: Confidentiality is a sticky issue in the university setting because 'privileged communication,' a formal legal confidentiality applying to priests, lawyers, and physicians, does not extend to teachers and coaches.

» encontrarse en una situación privilegiada parabe well-positioned tobe well-placed to .

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

Example: Libraries are also well-placed to offer desktop publishing as a resource to their readers.

» información privilegiadainsider informationprivileged information .

Example: Although it may be a bit thin in its use of standard academic sources of information, it is exceedingly strong on insider information and personal interviews.

Example: There are certain situations that may seem harmless but may result in the disclosure of privileged information to a third party.

» lugar privilegiadoplace in the sun .

Example: We desperately want a place in the sun, yet the place we ought to occupy seems perpetually beyond our powers to focus.

» minoría privilegiadachosen few .

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» minoría privilegiada, laprivileged few, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: You can imagine how those who couldn't go felt, many of whom worked as hard or harder than the privileged few.

» minoría privilegiada, unaprivileged few, a .

Example: The library has no centralised card catalogue and stacks are open only to a privileged few.

» ocupar una situación privilegiada parabe well-positioned tobe well-placed to .

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

Example: Libraries are also well-placed to offer desktop publishing as a resource to their readers.

» ocupar un lugar privilegiadohave + pride of placetake + pride of place .

Example: Germany therefore strongly supports the idea of a charter of human rights which would have pride of place among Europe's treaties.

Example: There is good reason to believe that this new product will take pride of place among the bibliographies of English Studies.

» posición privilegiadaadvantageous position .

Example: For the two-car family, living in the countryside can present few problems, but most households are not in such an advantageous position.

» situación privilegiadaadvantageous location .

Example: The library with its advantageous location should be the focal point for information in the township.

privilegiar = privilege. 

Example: For without a doubt, this is a very partial enterprise, selecting and privileging some indigenous knowledge whilst discarding and excluding others.

Privilegiado synonyms

exclusive in spanish: exclusivo, pronunciation: ɪksklusɪv part of speech: adjective exempt in spanish: eximir, pronunciation: ɪgzempt part of speech: adjective, verb inside in spanish: dentro, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪd part of speech: adverb, noun inner in spanish: interior, pronunciation: ɪnɜr part of speech: adjective favored in spanish: favorecido, pronunciation: feɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective advantaged in spanish: favorecido, pronunciation: ædvæntɪdʒd part of speech: adjective
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