Privacidad in english


pronunciation: praɪvəsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

privacidad = privacy. 

Example: Other walls, where security and privacy are absolutely essential, are not structural and are designed to be easily demounted and erected elsewhere.


» derecho a la privacidadprivacy right .

Example: Laws relating to privacy rights have to be considered.

» ley del derecho a la privacidadprivacy lawprivacy protection lawPrivacy Act .

Example: As a result, laws which attempt to treat information as an economic good -- patent, trade secret, copyright or privacy laws, for instance -- run into continuing problems of interpretation and enforcement.

Example: The recent proliferation of privacy protection laws has had a significant impact on transborder data flows, frequently inhibiting the free flow of information across national borders.

Example: The Privacy Act of 1974 increases employee record privacy for federal government employees by limiting access to those records.

» política de privacidadprivacy policy .

Example: Companies should handle consumer information according to enterprise-wide privacy policies.

» violación de la privacidadbreach of privacy .

Example: The author describes laws applicable to breaches of privacy dealing with: the laws of privacy, confidence, trespass, nuisance, defamation and theft.

Privacidad synonyms

secrecy in spanish: secreto, pronunciation: sikrəsi part of speech: noun seclusion in spanish: reclusión, pronunciation: sɪkluʒən part of speech: noun concealment in spanish: ocultación, pronunciation: kənsilmənt part of speech: noun privateness in spanish: privatidad, pronunciation: praɪvətnəs part of speech: noun
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