Prisionero in english


pronunciation: prɪzənɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

prisionero = prisoner. 

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.


» campo de prisionerosprison campP.O.W. campprisoner of war campgulag .

Example: In this sense the book resembles one of Solzhenitsyn's novels about one good day in the life of one of Stalin's victims living out a wretched existence in a Siberian prison camp.

Example: The article 'Libraries and reading in P.O.W. camps' describes the establishment of the concentration camp library of Oflag IIC at Woldenberg, and its management, largely by the inmates, which was typical of many prisoner of war camps.

Example: The article 'Libraries and reading in P.O.W. camps' describes the establishment of the concentration camp library of Oflag IIC at Woldenberg, and its management, largely by the inmates, which was typical of many prisoner of war camps.

Example: So if ALA won't speak out when books are burned and librarians are tossed into the Cuban gulag, then they would betray the values drilled into us in graduate school.

» canjear prisioneros de guerraexchange + prisoners of war .

Example: When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.

» intercambiar prisioneros de guerraexchange + prisoners of war .

Example: When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.

» prisionero de guerraprisoner of warwar prisoner .

Example: The author discusses the production of escape maps by Allied prisoners of war during the First and Second World Wars.

Example: Prostitutes outside the camp were mostly of local origin; some were widows or married women whose husbands were war prisoners.

» prisionero políticopolitical prisonerprisoner of conscience .

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

Example: They accepted the government's brazen lies stating that Ramón Colás, the co-founder of the library movement, has not been arrested as a prisoner of conscience.

Prisionero synonyms

captive in spanish: cautivo, pronunciation: kæptɪv part of speech: noun, adjective
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