Prioritario in english


pronunciation: praɪɔrəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

prioritario = priority ; of immediate concern. 

Example: It's that access dimension of descriptive cataloging that I suggest should get priority attention from all of us.Example: Preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine = Preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine.


» hacer prioritariomake + a priority .

Example: The US government has made a strong priority of pressing for better, stronger laws against those who would take without permission others' creative works and inventions.

» ser prioritariobe high on the agendabe imperative .

Example: High on this agenda will be the harmonization of legislation and practice concerning access.

Example: In launching a product, it is imperative that you have a clear idea about the people that you are aiming for.

Prioritario synonyms

precedence in spanish: precedencia, pronunciation: presədəns part of speech: noun antecedence in spanish: antecedencia, pronunciation: æntesədəns part of speech: noun anteriority in spanish: anterioridad, pronunciation: æntɪriɔrəti part of speech: noun precedency in spanish: precedencia, pronunciation: presədənsi part of speech: noun antecedency in spanish: antecedencia, pronunciation: æntesədənsi part of speech: noun
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