Prioridad in english


pronunciation: praɪɔrəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

prioridad = precedence ; priority ; triage ; sense of urgency. 

Example: The citation order now gives precedence to processes, such as circulation control and cataloguing rather than to types of libraries.Example: Usually, the convenience of the user must be given priority.Example: For analog information, we must develop triage strategies for the past; for digital, triage strategies at the point of acquisition or creation.Example: With the advent of automation, the demands for continuing education courses took on a sense of urgency.


» asumir prioridadassume + priority .

Example: There is increasing overlap between conservation and scientific interests as bioprospecting and gene-harvesting assumes greater priority.

» cambiar las prioridades de ... a ...shift + the emphasis from ... to ... .

Example: The article 'In-service training as basic diet and shot in the arm' describes how the Library School has shifted the emphasis from basic to in-service training.

» cambiar + Posesivo + prioridadesshift priorities .

Example: Some years ago, the donor shifted her priorities, and we no longer had the benefit of her contribution.

» cambio de prioridadesshift of priorities .

Example: Despite the incontrovertible evidence to this effect, we do not doubt that it will require courage to make this shift of priorities.

» convertirse en una prioridadbecome + imperative .

Example: It became imperative that books be arranged to make it easy for the reader to find what he wanted = Se convirtió en una prioridad ordenar los libros de tal modo que fuese fácil para el lector encontrar lo que buscaba.

» dar prioridadaward + priorityemphasise [emphasize, -USA]give + prioritygive + precedenceassign + prioritygive + preference .

Example: Priority is awarded to projects with the following aims: oil and gas recovery, drilling, optimum use of natural gas, and maximising the yield by the use of enhanced recovery techniques.

Example: Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.

Example: Single parents are given priority in applying for help and divorced women automatically receive maintenance from the local authority who then claim it from the husband.

Example: Simple courtesy requires that a person be given precedence over a ringing telephone.

Example: As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.

Example: This gap is a result of the municipality's policy of 'positive discrimination', which gave preference to the socioeconomically weaker neighbourhoods.

» dar prioridad agive + pride of place toplace + emphasis onprioritise [prioritize, -USA] .

Example: Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

» dar prioridad a algomake + a priority .

Example: The US government has made a strong priority of pressing for better, stronger laws against those who would take without permission others' creative works and inventions.

» dar un nivel de prioridad altoput + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities .

Example: With the advent of devolved management and delegated responsibility, schools should be putting library provision high on their list of priorities.

» establecer prioridadesprioritise [prioritize, -USA]establish + prioritiesset + prioritiestriage .

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

Example: Money should be spent wisely by establishing proper priorities and eliminating the trivial and pointless tasks often assigned to libraries.

Example: When procedures are spelled out and priorities set, goals are clarified.

Example: Of course, there are sensible ways in which to 'triage' our overburdened prison system.

» establecer un orden de prioridadestriage .

Example: Of course, there are sensible ways in which to 'triage' our overburdened prison system.

» ocupar un nivel de prioridad altorank + high on the list of prioritiesbe high on the priority listbe high on list .

Example: In order to justify the establishment of a costly restoration facility, the preservation functions must rank high on the list of priorities of a library.

Example: The teaching of information literacy should be coordinated by the library and its interests should be high on the priority list for university support.

Example: Timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information are high on the list of need of the users in chemistry.

» orden de prioridadorder of preferencepriority orderpecking orderorder of precedence .

Example: The predominant name is the name or form of name of a person or corporate body that appears most frequently (1) in the person's works or works issued by the corporate body; or (2) in reference sources, in that order of preference.

Example: Once all the packages have been developed, using the objectives as guides, they are ranked in priority order and are presented for approval or rejection, the decision being based on level and affordability.

Example: Libraries have a peculiar pecking order -- public, academic, special.

Example: This order of precedence -- the order in which we cite the facets -- is called the citation order.

» prioridad de la bibliotecalibrary's priority .

Example: A sound policy with respect to these categories requires a clear sense of the library's function and priorities.

» prioridadesset of priorities .

Example: For the 1990s public libraries must safeguard their future with a clearly structured concept and hierarchically ordered set of priorities.

» prioridad nacionalnational priority .

Example: The three soldiers have been declared fallen in action, but the return of their bodies is considered a national priority.

» prioridad principaltop priority .

Example: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.

» reconsiderar las prioridadesreaddress + priorities .

Example: Pressure is being brought to bear on the library to readdress its priorities in terms of services rendered and to scale down excesses in terms of funds and manpower.

» ser + Posesivo + principal prioridadbe + Posesivo + number one priority .

Example: She's eager to expand her family insisting having another child is her number one priority.

» ser una prioridadbe high on the agenda .

Example: High on this agenda will be the harmonization of legislation and practice concerning access.

» tener prioridadtrumptake + priority .

Example: If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.

Example: Other objectives (e.g., getting rid of a backlog that may have accrued or reclassifying the already classified collection) may take priority with some staff members.

» tener prioridad (sobre)take + precedence (over)have + priority (over) .

Example: Single holds take precedence over title holds.

Example: Generally speaking, federal law has priority over state law.

Prioridad synonyms

precedence in spanish: precedencia, pronunciation: presədəns part of speech: noun antecedence in spanish: antecedencia, pronunciation: æntesədəns part of speech: noun anteriority in spanish: anterioridad, pronunciation: æntɪriɔrəti part of speech: noun precedency in spanish: precedencia, pronunciation: presədənsi part of speech: noun antecedency in spanish: antecedencia, pronunciation: æntesədənsi part of speech: noun
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