Pringoso in english


pronunciation: stɪki part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pringoso = dingy ; grimy. 

Example: Shortly after he began as director, he moved the library from a dingy Carnegie mausoleum to a downtown department store that had become vacant.Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.

Pringoso synonyms

awkward in spanish: torpe, pronunciation: ɑkwɜrd part of speech: adjective wet in spanish: mojado, pronunciation: wet part of speech: adjective hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective embarrassing in spanish: embarazoso, pronunciation: ɪmberəsɪŋ part of speech: adjective adhesive in spanish: adhesivo, pronunciation: ædhisɪv part of speech: adjective, noun viscous in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: vɪskəs part of speech: adjective muggy in spanish: bochornoso, pronunciation: mʌgi part of speech: adjective pasty in spanish: pastoso, pronunciation: pæsti part of speech: noun, adjective viscid in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: vɪskɪd part of speech: adjective gummy in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: gʌmi part of speech: adjective steamy in spanish: lleno de vapor, pronunciation: stimi part of speech: adjective glutinous in spanish: glutinoso, pronunciation: glutənəs part of speech: adjective unenviable in spanish: poco envidiable, pronunciation: ənenviəbəl part of speech: adjective mucilaginous in spanish: mucilaginoso, pronunciation: mjusəleɪdʒənəs part of speech: adjective gluey in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: glui part of speech: adjective
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