Principiar in english


pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

principiar = begin ; start. 

Example: This section has begun to demonstrate some of the problems associated with the author approach.Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.


» principiar abegin tostart to .

Example: When she began to tilt to one side, it became obvious that something was indeed quite wrong.

Example: She had been the perfect dog up until yesterday when she started to pee in the house.

Principiar synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb offset in spanish: compensar, pronunciation: ɔfset part of speech: verb begin in spanish: empezar, pronunciation: bɪgɪn part of speech: verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun first in spanish: primero, pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb initiate in spanish: iniciado, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb jump in spanish: saltar, pronunciation: dʒʌmp part of speech: verb, noun commence in spanish: comenzar, pronunciation: kəmens part of speech: verb beginning in spanish: comenzando, pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun outset in spanish: comienzo, pronunciation: aʊtset part of speech: noun startle in spanish: asustar, pronunciation: stɑrtəl part of speech: verb, noun take up in spanish: comenzar, pronunciation: teɪkʌp part of speech: verb commencement in spanish: comienzo, pronunciation: kəmensmənt part of speech: noun depart in spanish: salir, pronunciation: dɪpɑrt part of speech: verb originate in spanish: originar, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒəneɪt part of speech: verb set out in spanish: exponer, pronunciation: setaʊt part of speech: verb take off in spanish: quitarse, pronunciation: teɪkɔf part of speech: verb kickoff in spanish: patada inicial, pronunciation: kɪkɔf part of speech: noun set off in spanish: partir, pronunciation: setɔf part of speech: verb head start in spanish: inicio, pronunciation: hedstɑrt part of speech: noun starting in spanish: comenzando, pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective set forth in spanish: exponer, pronunciation: setfɔrθ part of speech: verb start up in spanish: puesta en marcha, pronunciation: stɑrtʌp part of speech: verb start out in spanish: partir, pronunciation: stɑrtaʊt part of speech: verb embark on in spanish: embarcarse en, pronunciation: embɑrkɑn part of speech: verb set about in spanish: emprender, pronunciation: setəbaʊt part of speech: verb lead off in spanish: llevar fuera, pronunciation: ledɔf part of speech: verb get going in spanish: ponerse en marcha, pronunciation: getgoʊɪŋ part of speech: verb starting time in spanish: tiempo de empezar, pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋtaɪm part of speech: noun starting line in spanish: línea de salida, pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋlaɪn part of speech: noun starting signal in spanish: señal de inicio, pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋsɪgnəl part of speech: noun
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