Principesco in english


pronunciation: prɪnsli part of speech: adjective
In gestures

principesco = princely. 

Example: By and by Tom's reading and dreaming about princely life wrought such a strong effect upon him that he began to act the prince unconsciously.

Principesco synonyms

noble in spanish: noble, pronunciation: noʊbəl part of speech: adjective rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective sumptuous in spanish: suntuoso, pronunciation: sʌmptʃwəs part of speech: adjective opulent in spanish: opulento, pronunciation: ɑpjələnt part of speech: adjective luxurious in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: ləgʒɜriəs part of speech: adjective gilded in spanish: dorado, pronunciation: gɪldɪd part of speech: adjective deluxe in spanish: de lujo, pronunciation: dəlʌks part of speech: adjective
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