Principal in english


pronunciation: prɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

principal = capital ; chief ; dominant ; essential ; foremost ; leading ; main ; major ; primary ; principal ; top ; key ; lead ; premier ; overriding ; prime ; staple ; number one ; top-of-mind ; cardinal ; master. 

Example: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.Example: This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.Example: English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.Example: The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.Example: Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.Example: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.Example: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.Example: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.Example: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).Example: If responsibility is shared between mor than three persons or corporate bodies (and no principal author is indicated), then entry is made under the title.Example: ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.Example: This meeting brought together representatives of the key organizations in the community.Example: The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.Example: It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.Example: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.Example: For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.Example: UK libraries and the BBC Continuing Education have the same staple customer group.Example: Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.Example: Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.Example: To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.Example: The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.


» aclarar el punto principalclarify + the main point .

Example: A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.

» aclarar la idea principalclarify + the main point .

Example: A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.

» actividad principalcore activity .

Example: Based on these core activities, we estimate an annual operating budget of approximately $3.2M.

» actor principallead characterleading manlead role .

Example: The DaVinci Code movie deviates only subtly from the best-selling book on which it is based by making the lead character a man of some faith.

Example: Tinseltown's leading men never get their due on the red carpet.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» actor principal, elmain character, themain actor, the .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

Example: Moreover, it does not diminish the role of states as the main actors in international politics.

» actriz principalleading ladyleading actress .

Example: Considering her upbringing, it is ironical that she was often cast as a maid and, much to her regret, hardly ever as the leading lady.

Example: In honor of this weekend's big awards ceremony, MediaRun has rounded up every single dress worn by a leading-actress winner over the past 85 years.

» administrador principaltop administrator .

Example: So many books and articles are churned out about the top administrator's responsibilities toward staff.

» alimento principalstaple diet .

Example: It was part of the staple diet of Native Americans and early settlers because it was so chockfull of health.

» análisis factorial de componentes principalesprinciple component(s) factor analysis .

Example: Content validity was assessed and discriminant validity was investigated using a principle components factor analysis = Se evaluó tanto la validez del contenido como la validez de discriminación usando un análisis factorial de componentes principales.

» apartarse de los caminos principalesgo + off-road .

Example: I suppose my biggest piece of advice for riding at night would be to practice a little before you actually go off-road.

» argumento principalmain argument .

Example: A digest should be methodically arranged presentation of the main arguments in a document.

» arteria principalmain artery [Referido al cuerpo] .

Example: The main artery in the body is the aorta, originating from the left ventricle extending downwards to the abdomen.

» artículo principallead article .

Example: The lead article of the symposium was entitled 'Library reference service: an unrecognised crisis'.

» artista principalheadliner  ; headline act .

Example: The crowd is not getting it, and they only really come up with a decent applause when asked to give it up for tonight's headliners.

Example: Whilst restaurants and pubs continue to dominate spending in the leisure industry, new research reveals that it is music festival and concert sales that have been the headline act over the past five years.

» asesor principalsenior advisersenior consultant .

Example: They insist that the president should let his senior advisers testify under oath.

Example: Our senior consultants are dynamic speakers who are experienced in addressing all audiences, including educators, students, parents, business leaders and the community at large.

» autor principalmain author [Responsable principal del contenido intelectual o artístico de un documento] .

Example: The author primarily responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a document is known as the main author.

» calle principal, lahigh street, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]main street, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Most centres will be found in Town Halls, but a few have put on a more attractive image by being located in shop-front premises in the high street.

Example: The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.

» carretera principalmajor road .

Example: In spite of the fact that over 98% of roads are minor roads, over 90% of all barn owl road casualties are found dead on major roads (such as motorways and dual carriageways).

» causa principal, laleading cause, the .

Example: In fact, adverse drug reactions are one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

» clase principalmain class .

Example: A main class, in a general classification scheme, is one of the broad classes into which knowledge is divided before further analysis begins, and for which there is no broader containing class.

» comida principalmain meal .

Example: He's a guy who has lived on jam butties for his main meal every single day .

» conferenciante principalkeynote speaker [En un congreso, aquella persona que presenta las ideas principales del mismo] .

Example: Each of these elements were introduced by keynote speakers at the 4 general sessions.

» conferencia principalkeynote talktheme addresskeynote speech .

Example: This paper is based on the keynote talk presented at the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Example: The following are the abstracts of the theme address and 7 papers presented at conference.

Example: In the keynote speech each nation was urged to assume responsibility for preserving its own imprint while working cooperatively through IFLA to develop international bibliographic control.

» consejero principalsenior advisersenior consultant .

Example: They insist that the president should let his senior advisers testify under oath.

Example: Our senior consultants are dynamic speakers who are experienced in addressing all audiences, including educators, students, parents, business leaders and the community at large.

» cultivo principalstaple crop .

Example: The author discusses the shortcomings of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in the indexing of African staple crops, namely cassava, cocoyam, ginger, Irish potato, sweet potato and yam.

» descriptor principalmajor descriptor .

Example: For example, the ERIC database has three subject fields: major descriptors (mj), minor descriptors (mn), and identifiers (id).

» dieta principalstaple diet .

Example: It was part of the staple diet of Native Americans and early settlers because it was so chockfull of health.

» director principalsenior director .

Example: Senior directors earn absurdly more than the other workers in their business.

» dormitorio principalmaster bedroommaster suite .

Example: Each of the two master bedrooms have a double bed, tow bedside tables, two bedside lamps, dresser, mirror, and radio alarm.

Example: Most rooms -- including the living room, dining room, kitchen and master suite -- were designed with recessed lighting controlled by wall switches.

» el principalthe number one .

Example: Company annual reports were rated as the number one printed source for company information.

» encabezamiento principalmain entry heading [Primer punto de acceso elegido para un asiento bibliográfico y que constituye a éste en asiento principal] .

Example: The rules give instructions on the choice of one of these access points as the main entry heading, the other being added entry headings.

» en la corriente principal dein the mainstream of .

Example: It was evident that aspects of industrial relations feature on courses in a variety of firms, but set firmly in the mainstream of management theory.

» en la tendencia principal dein the mainstream of .

Example: It was evident that aspects of industrial relations feature on courses in a variety of firms, but set firmly in the mainstream of management theory.

» entrada principalmain entrancefront entrance .

Example: There are 2 freight elevators available, which are located at the right side and the left side of the building near the main entrance.

Example: There is a university library in the United States which has carved over its front entrance this aphorism: 'The half of knowledge is knowing where to find it'.

» entrada principal, lafront lobby, the .

Example: Most clubs kept a complaint book, usually in the front lobby of the club, where members could voice their concerns.

» estrella principalheadliner  ; headline act .

Example: The crowd is not getting it, and they only really come up with a decent applause when asked to give it up for tonight's headliners.

Example: Whilst restaurants and pubs continue to dominate spending in the leisure industry, new research reveals that it is music festival and concert sales that have been the headline act over the past five years.

» ficha principalmain entry card .

Example: The <F4> function displays the main entry card followed by the rest of the card set.

» frase que recoge el tema principal del artículotopic sentence .

Example: Hence, any elements that might contribute to relevance assessment must be incorporated into the topic sentence.

» fuente principal de informaciónchief source of information [Fuente de los datos bibliográficos a la que se le da preferencia para confeccionar la descripción bibliográfica de una obra] .

Example: The chief source of information is the source of bibliographic data to be given first preference as the source from which a bibliographic description (or portion thereof) is prepared.

» grupo principal de usuariosprimary user group [Individuos de una institución o comunidad a la que la biblioteca debe servir] .

Example: The primary user group is the population to be served by a library.

» guía principalguiding principle .

Example: The idea that a particular library is an institution which gives service to a defined constituency should be the guiding principle.

» hallazgos principalessalient findings .

Example: A summary is a restatement, within the document, of the salient findings and conclusions of a document.

» ideas principalessignificant ideas .

Example: A summary at the end of a document is intended to complete the orientation of the reader, and to identify the significant ideas for the reader to remember.

» investigador principalprincipal researcherprincipal investigator .

Example: The author presents a brief history of superconductivity research and identifies the principal researchers, institutions and sources of information.

Example: Each project record contains information about the institution, geographic location, principal investigator, duration, contract number, and dollar value.

» la cosa principalthe number one thing .

Example: The number one thing to realize with the Millennials is that as a whole they reflect much more parental perfectionism than any generation in living memory.

» la parte principal dethe bulk of .

Example: The bulk of the town's residents had little time for culture, for the theater, for the erudite lecture.

» materia principalmain subject .

Example: Typewriting, Shorthand, can be considered main subjects in the same sense as Communication, Cybernetics, Astrophysics, and the traditional disciplines.

» ministro principalfirst minister [En el Reino Unido, principal autoridad de las regiones administrivas de Escocia, Irlanda del Norte y País de Gales ] .

Example: The head of the group representing Catholic school principals in Northern Ireland accuses the first minister of rabble rousing.

» motivo principalprime cause .

Example: Fog banks are a major hazard to navigation and are a prime cause of shipwreck.

» noticias principales, lasmain news, the .

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

» oficina principal, lamain office, the .

Example: In most school buildings, the main office serves as a hub around which all other activities revolve.

» papel principaltitle roleleading rolelead role .

Example: Marie-Nicole Lemieux in the title role provides a blazing star performance.

Example: Health librarians are taking a leading role in the development of the library and information profession in the emerging information society.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» parte principal del textomeat of the text .

Example: As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.

» perceptor principalprincipal wage earner [Persona que en una familia aporta los mayores benificios económicos a la misma] .

Example: This Act challenges programs that have different retirement requirements for men and women, different rules for the 'head of the household' or 'principal wage earner'.

» personaje principallead characterlead role .

Example: The DaVinci Code movie deviates only subtly from the best-selling book on which it is based by making the lead character a man of some faith.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» personaje principal, elmain character, themain actor, the .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

Example: Moreover, it does not diminish the role of states as the main actors in international politics.

» placa principalmotherboard [A veces abreviado a mobo]mobo [Abreviatura de motherboard]mainboard .

Example: The article 'Motherboards smarten up' reports on recent technological developments in motherboards = El artículo "Las placas madres aprenden" informa sobre los recientes avances tecnológicos de estas placas.

Example: Nowadays, virtually all motherboards (or mobo's, to those in the know) integrate these components onto the motherboards themselves.

Example: As mainboards evolved and standards were developed, items that used to be peripherals became integrated with the mainboard.

» plato principalentrée [Especialmente en los Estados Unidos]main entréemain course .

Example: It can be made from any mashed starchy vegetable and used as an accompaniment for a meat or fish entree.

Example: At least 20 different main entree items, side entree items and appetizers will be made available to taste.

Example: No matter how stuffed you are after the main course you always have room for a little dessert.

» ponencia principalkeynote presentationkeynote paper .

Example: Where available keynote presentations and abstracts are available in PDF format.

Example: This article is based on a keynote paper presented at seminar on information policy, planning and research.

» primero y principalfirst and foremost .

Example: The first and foremost task is to provide factual information and to make it available to all.

» principal arteria principalmain artery [Referido a una vía de tránsito de tráfico muy usada] .

Example: On Wednesday morning a rocket sent from Gaza narrowly missed a main artery in southern Israel as it landed in a nearby dirt field without causing any injuries.

» principal candidatofront runner [También escrito junto frontrunner] .

Example: As such this is one of the front runners of the next generation of library management systems.

» principal razónprime cause .

Example: Fog banks are a major hazard to navigation and are a prime cause of shipwreck.

» principal sospechoso, elleading suspect, theprime suspect, the .

Example: The leading suspect in last November's deadly attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) has pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

Example: The prime suspect was taken to the court amid high security measures.

» principal sostén de la familia, elbreadwinner, the [También se escribe bread winner] .

Example: In most households the family car disappears with the breadwinner each morning leaving the rest of the family isolated from many essential services.

» prioridad principaltop priority .

Example: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.

» programa principalCore Programme .

Example: Involvement in the five IFLA Core Programmes pays a valuable dividend in the national context.

» protagonista principalcentrepiece [centerpiece, -USA]lead characterkey playerlead role .

Example: The speakers will explain what actions have been taken to ensure that freedom of access to information remains the centrepiece of library philosophy in these difficult times.

Example: The DaVinci Code movie deviates only subtly from the best-selling book on which it is based by making the lead character a man of some faith.

Example: Libraries are key players in ensuring long-term preservation archiving of electronic information.

Example: If she knew I was going to be married, something she did not highly approve of, she might not give me all the lead roles, she might think I was a lost cause and not worth her time.

» protagonista principal, elmain character, themain actor, the .

Example: Quietly spoken, introverted Henry, the main character, tries to get casual jobs (anything, like a factotum) around Los Angeles.

Example: Moreover, it does not diminish the role of states as the main actors in international politics.

» puerta principalfront doormain door .

Example: Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.

Example: Classrooms may be up to 100 m from the main door.

» punto principalmain point .

Example: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.

» recurso principalprimary resource .

Example: The reference collection is one of the primary resources of effective service.

» salir por la entrada principal de la casastep out of + the front door of + Posesivo + home .

Example: A young mum had to call firefighters after stepping out of the front door of her home briefly and then realising she had locked herself out with her baby still sleeping inside.

» semiprincipalsemi-main .

Example: It would be one way of allowing main entry to those who want it, and no main entry or semi-main entry to those who do not.

» ser lo principal debe at the core ofbe at the heart of .

Example: This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.

Example: This idea is at the heart of the Theseus Project which proposes a teaching/learning methodology for the development of a distributed public database of audiovisual information.

» ser + Posesivo + principal prioridadbe + Posesivo + number one priority .

Example: She's eager to expand her family insisting having another child is her number one priority.

» tablas principalesmain tables .

Example: First of all we will consider the main schedules or 'main tables', so turn to page 26 of the scheme where you will find an outline of the main divisions of these schedules.

» tema principaldominant thememain focus .

Example: As with CC, your subject analyses will be specific summarizations of the dominant theme of each document.

Example: For example, if you are searching for 'cancer' in MEDLINE, you will retrieve all records that mention 'cancer' as the main focus of the article.

» término principalmain term .

Example: The display in the hierarchical index shows all terms related to the main term, either directly, or at one or more removes from it, by an 'NT' reference.

Principal synonyms

lead in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: led part of speech: verb, noun head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun star in spanish: estrella, pronunciation: stɑr part of speech: noun chief in spanish: jefe, pronunciation: tʃif part of speech: noun main in spanish: principal, pronunciation: meɪn part of speech: noun primary in spanish: primario, pronunciation: praɪmeri part of speech: adjective corpus in spanish: cuerpo, pronunciation: kɔrpəs part of speech: noun dealer in spanish: comerciante, pronunciation: dilɜr part of speech: noun head teacher in spanish: director, pronunciation: hedtitʃɜr part of speech: noun principal sum in spanish: suma principal, pronunciation: prɪnsəpəlsʌm part of speech: noun school principal in spanish: director, pronunciation: skulprɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun
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