Primitivo in english


pronunciation: prɪmətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

primitivo1 = primitive ; uncivilised [uncivilized, -USA] ; barbaric ; raw ; pristine ; primordial. 

Example: Primitive war dances, fertility rites, hunting games are all rituals human beings develop in their corporate as well as their private lives.Example: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.Example: The novel is a crude barbaric mixture of verse and prose, poetry and realism, crammed with ghosts, corpses, maniacs all very unlike Racine.Example: Vegetable fibres in their raw state contain the necessary strands of cellulose which can be converted into paper.Example: Although national parks are perceived as pristine areas, many are dumping grounds for hazardous materials - everything from industrial toxins to unexploded munitions.Example: The author examines key passages in the 1941 Nietzsche lectures where Heidegger appears to flirt with the possibility of a more primordial sense of existence.


» hombre primitivoprimitive man .

Example: Primitive man was a being barely more developed than the ape.

» hombre primitivo, elearly man .

Example: Early man couldn't stomach milk, according to research.

» impulso primitivoprimitive urge .

Example: Both particularly fancied the idea of Hughes as gamekeeper and bard of the primitive urges, whose animal magnetism drives women mad.

primitivo2 = original. 

Example: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.


» en + Posesivo + estado primitivoin + Posesivo + original state .

Example: The ramparts, thirty meters wide at the base and still in their original state, cover over four kilometers.

Primitivo synonyms

natural in spanish: natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective crude in spanish: crudo, pronunciation: krud part of speech: adjective, noun rude in spanish: grosero, pronunciation: rud part of speech: adjective primary in spanish: primario, pronunciation: praɪmeri part of speech: adjective archaic in spanish: arcaico, pronunciation: ɑrkeɪɪk part of speech: adjective early in spanish: temprano, pronunciation: ɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb elemental in spanish: elemental, pronunciation: eləmentəl part of speech: adjective uninflected in spanish: desinflectado, pronunciation: ənɪnflektɪd part of speech: adjective untrained in spanish: inexperto, pronunciation: əntreɪnd part of speech: adjective underived in spanish: subiventado, pronunciation: əndɜraɪvd part of speech: adjective primitive person in spanish: persona primitiva, pronunciation: prɪmətɪvpɜrsən part of speech: noun noncivilized in spanish: no civilizado, pronunciation: nɑnsɪvəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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