Primate in english


pronunciation: praɪmeɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

primar = reward ; favour [favor, -USA] ; take + precedence (over) ; take + priority ; give + priority. 

Example: They admitted that they did not evaluate their technicians and aides, and confirmed that increases were automatic and the same 'across-the-board'; superior performance was not rewarded, nor inferior performance punished.Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.Example: Single holds take precedence over title holds.Example: Other objectives (e.g., getting rid of a backlog that may have accrued or reclassifying the already classified collection) may take priority with some staff members.Example: Single parents are given priority in applying for help and divorced women automatically receive maintenance from the local authority who then claim it from the husband.


» primar (sobre)have + priority (over) .

Example: Generally speaking, federal law has priority over state law.

primate = primate. 

Example: Recent legislation and social pressures produced changes in the Animal Welfare Act, including a provision that requires environments that promote the 'psychological well-being' of captive nonhuman primates.

Primate synonyms

prelate in spanish: prelado, pronunciation: prelɪt part of speech: noun hierarch in spanish: jerarca, pronunciation: hɪrɑrk part of speech: noun archpriest in spanish: arcipreste, pronunciation: ɑrtʃprist part of speech: noun high priest in spanish: gran sacerdote, pronunciation: haɪprist part of speech: noun
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