Primario in english


pronunciation: praɪmeri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

primario = primary. 

Example: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).


» antención sanitaria primariaprimary care .

Example: Almost all primary care is delivered by registered nurses who are supported by paramedical workers.

» atención primaria de saludprimary health care .

Example: There is a consensus on the need to emphasise public health issues, preventative medicine and primary health care for the Third World.

» bibliografía primariaprimary literature .

Example: Primary literature, secondary literature, numerical and factual data will all be represented.

» causa primariaprime cause .

Example: Fog banks are a major hazard to navigation and are a prime cause of shipwreck.

» color primarioprimary colourtrue colour .

Example: A colour created by mixing two primary colours is called a secondary colour.

Example: True colors are the outstanding feature of his work.

» comicios primariosprimary election .

Example: Runoffs must be held just two weeks after the primary election.

» concepto primarioprimary concept .

Example: It is also possible to assign weights to the concepts in document profiles, that is to indicate the primary concepts in a document and discriminate between these and subsidiary concepts.

» de atención primariapreattentive .

Example: We were interested in the impact of epilepsy and its treatment on preattentive cognitive functions and enrolled 107 subjects.

» documento primarioprimary document [Documento que presenta información básicamente original]primary publication [Publicación que recoge los resultados directos de la investigación científica] .

Example: A primary document is a document which presents information which is essentially original in character.

Example: Abstracts are an important component of many primary and secondary publications, current-awareness services and computerized databases.

» documentos primariosprimary materialprimary source material .

Example: Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.

Example: Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.

» elección primariaprimary election .

Example: Runoffs must be held just two weeks after the primary election.

» enseñanza primaria y secundariaclassroom educationschool education .

Example: The number of outstanding young authors who are writing in spite of rather than because of classroom education is not inconsiderable.

Example: In school education the activity of reading quickly becomes allied with the subject of English, which covers a certain amount of English grammar but, certainly in secondary education, is almost synonymous with English literature.

» escuela primarialower schoolprimary schoolgrade schoolelementary school .

Example: Many respondents would have welcomed a less theoretical syllabus with a greater allocation of class time in the lower rather than upper school.

Example: We shall now index documents under the term 'primary school' even if this concept is only embodied in a sub-theme within them.

Example: The writer describes his uncomfortable experiences at grade school and high school, until a sympathetic high school librarian took an interest in him and set him on course to becoming an avid reader.

Example: A small book fair lasting only a day, such as might be held in a kindergarten or small elementary school, can get by with a couple of members of staff and a parent as the organizing committee.

» fuente primariasource material [Fuentes originales, de primera mano, que se utilizan en la preparación de un trabajo posterior] .

Example: Natural language indexing is particularly appropriate in searches that predominantly involve specific words or phrases known to have been used in the source material.

» información en su estado primarioraw information .

Example: In many industrial and governmental libraries this kind of 'repackaging' is often an absolute requirement of the clients, who may with certain enquiries expect the librarian to select and digest the raw information for them as a matter of routine.

» información primariaprimary information .

Example: From 1986 primary information has been retrievable using optical disc files and facsimiles.

» paleta de colores primariosprimary palette .

Example: Burnt orange and white are the official colors and the primary palette we use to represent The University of Texas at Austin.

» revista primariaprimary journal .

Example: Highlight abstracts feature in some primary journals, either as captions preceding the article to which they pertain, or as a supplement to or an expansion of the contents list.

Primario synonyms

principal in spanish: director de escuela, pronunciation: prɪnsəpəl part of speech: noun essential in spanish: esencial, pronunciation: ɪsenʃəl part of speech: adjective direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective particular in spanish: especial, pronunciation: pɜrtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective special in spanish: especial, pronunciation: speʃəl part of speech: adjective original in spanish: original, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective basic in spanish: BASIC, pronunciation: beɪsɪk part of speech: adjective chief in spanish: jefe, pronunciation: tʃif part of speech: noun main in spanish: principal, pronunciation: meɪn part of speech: noun firsthand in spanish: de primera mano, pronunciation: fɜrsthænd part of speech: adverb, adjective beginning in spanish: comenzando, pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun primitive in spanish: primitivo, pronunciation: prɪmətɪv part of speech: adjective elementary in spanish: elemental, pronunciation: eləmentri part of speech: adjective basal in spanish: basal, pronunciation: beɪsəl part of speech: adjective abecedarian in spanish: abc, pronunciation: æbesəderiən part of speech: noun, adjective underived in spanish: subiventado, pronunciation: əndɜraɪvd part of speech: adjective primary election in spanish: elección primaria, pronunciation: praɪmeriɪlekʃən part of speech: noun first-string in spanish: primera cuerda, pronunciation: fɜrststrɪŋ part of speech: adjective primary feather in spanish: pluma primaria, pronunciation: praɪmerifeðɜr part of speech: noun primary coil in spanish: bobina primaria, pronunciation: praɪmerikɔɪl part of speech: noun primary quill in spanish: pluma primaria, pronunciation: praɪmerikwɪl part of speech: noun primary winding in spanish: devanado primario, pronunciation: praɪmeriwaɪndɪŋ part of speech: noun
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