Prima in english


pronunciation: kʌzən part of speech: noun
In gestures

prima1 = bonus [bonuses, -pl.]. 

Example: Such posts were regarded as a welcome bonus over and above the traditional base market.


» prima anualannual bonus .

Example: I worked long enough to receive my annual bonus and laid it aside to pay expenses for our future baby.

» prima de riesgorisk premium .

Example: Risk premiums are an appropriate tool for judging the worthiness of your investments but do not forget that risk and returns go hand in hand.

» prima de seguroinsurance premiuminsurance rate .

Example: This article provides further information about increases in insurance premiums for toy and leisure libraries = Este artículo ofrecer más información sobre los aumentos de las primas de seguro para las ludotecas.

Example: Insurance rates are off the chart due to people scamming insurance companies.

» sistema de primasbonus scheme .

Example: In this context, salaries, bonus schemes and promotion are considered along with the corollaries of discipline and even dismissal for those who do not meet the required standard.



» aportar materia prima paraprovide + grist for + Posesivo + mill .

Example: Their daily experiences provide grist for the writer's mill, from which insights concerning management processes may be gleaned.

» información como materia prima, lainformation commodity .

Example: The form and structure of information commodities is fundamentally different from the form and structure of the material commodities that dominated our past ideas about value.

» materia primaraw materialstaple dietraw goodsfeedstockprimary raw materialgrist .

Example: Abstracts which are to provide the raw material for input to a computerized information system are usually required to be entered on a form which shows the separate fields in the computer record.

Example: All this will take place against the background of publishing in conventional forms which will remain the staple diet of libraries for many years yet.

Example: When your customers are slow to pay, it forces you to eat into your cash reserves to pay for raw goods and salaries.

Example: Information is the feedstock of knowledge.

Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.

Example: The grist for many innovative kinds of disciplines is datasets that requires disciplinary integration.

» mercado de materias primas, elcommodity market, the .

Example: Problems of price, performance and integration have impeded document management systems from entering the commodity market.

» prima donnaprima donna .

Example: Blatant prima donna behavior is becoming less acceptable in America, but at most Italian theaters, being nice will not win opera singers half the respect of a good tantrum.

» prima facieprima facie .

Example: Ordinarily a distributor of a libel would be prima facie liable.

» ser la materia prima debe grist to + Posesivo + mill .

Example: All formats, book and non-book, audio and visual, are now grist to the reference librarian's mill.

primar = reward ; favour [favor, -USA] ; take + precedence (over) ; take + priority ; give + priority. 

Example: They admitted that they did not evaluate their technicians and aides, and confirmed that increases were automatic and the same 'across-the-board'; superior performance was not rewarded, nor inferior performance punished.Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.Example: Single holds take precedence over title holds.Example: Other objectives (e.g., getting rid of a backlog that may have accrued or reclassifying the already classified collection) may take priority with some staff members.Example: Single parents are given priority in applying for help and divorced women automatically receive maintenance from the local authority who then claim it from the husband.


» primar (sobre)have + priority (over) .

Example: Generally speaking, federal law has priority over state law.

primo1 = cousin. 

Example: The article carries the title 'Rich aunt or poor cousin? Policy dilemmas for publicly funded libraries'.


» primo carnalfirst cousin .

Example: For the most part in Latin America, people consider cousin relationship to be incestuous only if they are first cousins, second cousins and onwards are not subject to this taboo.

» primo entre paresprimus inter pares .

Example: Primus inter pares in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, which has cunningly adopted the sobriquet 'The Original Information School'.

» primo hermanofirst cousin .

Example: For the most part in Latin America, people consider cousin relationship to be incestuous only if they are first cousins, second cousins and onwards are not subject to this taboo.

» primo lejanodistant cousin .

Example: Back in the summer of 1980, my distant cousin Judy was shot to death by an ex-boyfriend, only a few days before she was supposed to be married.

» primo políticocousin by marriagePosesivo + wife's cousinPosesivo + husband's cousin .

Example: If you had a super hot cousin by marriage, would you bone her?.

Example: My wife's cousin used to visit us every summer for about a month.

Example: You are fully responsible for starting the affair with your husband's cousin.

» primo segundosecond cousin .

Example: For the most part in Latin America, people consider cousin relationship to be incestuous only if they are first cousins, second cousins and onwards are not subject to this taboo.

primo2 = dupe ; patsy ; sucker. 

Example: He is gullible, not very bright, the ready dupe of the charlatan and the demagogue.Example: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.Example: Americans are such suckers, being taken over by foreigners and their children and won't even put up a fight.

Prima synonyms

cousin-german in spanish: primo-alemán, pronunciation: kaʊsɪndʒɜrmæn part of speech: noun first cousin in spanish: primer primo, pronunciation: fɜrstkʌzən part of speech: noun full cousin in spanish: primo completo, pronunciation: fʊlkʌzən part of speech: noun
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