Previsto in english


pronunciation: prəvaɪdəd part of speech: verb
In gestures

previsto = anticipated ; intended ; upcoming [up-coming] ; expected ; predicted ; forecast ; slated. 

Example: The order of subjects must be systematic and generally acceptable to the anticipated users of the index or collection.Example: In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.Example: A much more effective method is to count the number of occurrences of a word in relation to the expected number.Example: The predicted information technology crisis is likely to be worse than predicted.Example: This article describes the functions and equipment of the forecast 'electronic office'.Example: Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.


» antes de la hora previstaahead of time .

Example: I'll go on stage and make an announcement about how we're gonna get schlonged by letting everybody in ahead of time, and these guys can pass a basket around the audience for contributions.

» antes de lo previstoahead of schedule .

Example: By Dec 74, a year ahead of schedule, the restoration department was able to close.

» cumplirse (de acuerdo con) lo previstowork out + according to planrun + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedturn out + according to plango + according to plango to + plan .

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» cumplirse (según) lo previstowork out + according to planrun + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedturn out + according to plango + according to plango to + plan .

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» de acuerdo con lo previstoas expectedas plannedon schedule .

Example: As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.

Example: The law is one of only a handful of things that any government has done that actually worked as planned.

Example: The system was successfully implemented on schedule and has produced even better results than hoped for.

» estar previsto que/parabe slated to/for .

Example: A march to call an end to gang-related violence in the city is slated to start at 2 p.m..

» la cosas + salir según lo previstothings + go to plan .

Example: Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.

» llegar antes de lo previstoarrive ahead of + time .

Example: Arrive ahead of time, dress formally and smartly and portray confidence and composure with your posture and body language.

» salir de acuerdo con lo previstoturn out + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedrun + according to planwork out + according to plango (off) as + plannedgo + according to plango to + plan .

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» salir según lo previstogo (off) as + plannedwork out + according to planrun + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedturn out + according to plango to + plan .

Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and a idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» según lo previstoas plannedon scheduleas expected .

Example: The law is one of only a handful of things that any government has done that actually worked as planned.

Example: The system was successfully implemented on schedule and has produced even better results than hoped for.

Example: As expected, newspapers provided an extensive coverage of the military build-up in the Gulf and the collapse of communism.

» suceder de acuerdo con lo previstocome off + on schedule .

Example: If all these things don't come off on schedule, will you implement AACR2?.

» tener lugar según lo previstogo ahead + as planned .

Example: He said the project will go ahead as planned with construction work kicking off next month.

» todo + ir + de acuerdo con lo previstoeverything + go + according to plan .

Example: She was always available to address any of our concerns and was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything went according to plan.

» todo + ir + según lo previstoeverything + go + according to plan .

Example: She was always available to address any of our concerns and was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything went according to plan.

» todo + salir + de acuerdo con lo previstoeverything + go + according to plan .

Example: She was always available to address any of our concerns and was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything went according to plan.

» todo + salir + según lo previstoeverything + go + according to plan .

Example: She was always available to address any of our concerns and was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything went according to plan.

» un año antes de lo previstoa year ahead of schedule .

Example: By Dec 74, a year ahead of schedule, the restoration department was able to close.
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