Previsión in english


pronunciation: fɔrkæst part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

previsión = forecast ; forecasting ; foresight ; forethought ; pre-calculation ; projection. 

Example: As the sales figures show, DC is very much alive, despite pessimistic forecasts in the 1960s.Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in advance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Example: Some foresight must be employed in order to make realistic speculations as to the eventual size of the collection that will be covered by any index based upon the thesaurus.Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.Example: However, several factors affect annual pre-caulculations.Example: The article 'OSI: will it ever see the light of day?' concludes that the promise of OSI has been bold and ambitious but that its delivery has been significantly delayed beyond its initial projections.


» en previsiónanticipatory .

Example: The effortless ease of such replies does conceal from the enquirer the extensive anticipatory effort of the librarian in studying the sources of information and his prior experience in their use.

» en previsión dein anticipation of .

Example: It was indeed in anticipation of this development that the first wholesaling conger had been formed in the 1680s.

» fondo de previsiónprovident fund .

Example: Contributions to provident funds made by employers are tax deductible while contributions by members are not = Las contribuciones a los fondos de previsión de los empleados son desgravables, mientras que las contribuciones de los miembros no lo son.

» previsión de futurofuture proofing .

Example: The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.

» previsiones de expertospunditry .

Example: The article 'Campaign sites: a potpourri of political punditry' describes a number of Internet campaign sites for the USA presidential elections = El artículo "Sitios web sobre la campaña electoral: un popurrí de pronósticos de expertos" describe varios sitios web relacionadas con las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos.

» previsiones para el futurofuture development(s) .

Example: This article outlines the international cooperation of the UK meteorological service and examines its future development.

» previsión meteorológicaweather report .

Example: For example, pilots flying on international routes sometimes have problems in understanding weather reports spoken in English but with a heavy local accent.

Previsión synonyms

figure in spanish: figura, pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun reckon in spanish: contar, pronunciation: rekən part of speech: verb estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb prognosis in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: prɑgnoʊsəs part of speech: noun foretell in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: fɔrtel part of speech: verb augur in spanish: augur, pronunciation: ɔgɜr part of speech: verb, noun portend in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: pɔrtend part of speech: verb omen in spanish: presagio, pronunciation: oʊmən part of speech: noun presage in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: presɪdʒ part of speech: verb, noun predict in spanish: predecir, pronunciation: prɪdɪkt part of speech: verb bode in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: boʊd part of speech: verb calculate in spanish: calcular, pronunciation: kælkjəleɪt part of speech: verb foreshadow in spanish: presagiar, pronunciation: fɔrʃædoʊ part of speech: verb prognosticate in spanish: pronosticar, pronunciation: prɑgnɑstəkeɪt part of speech: verb betoken in spanish: anunciar, pronunciation: betoʊkən part of speech: verb prefigure in spanish: prefigurar, pronunciation: prəfɪgjɜr part of speech: verb count on in spanish: contar con, pronunciation: kaʊntɑn part of speech: verb auspicate in spanish: auspiciar, pronunciation: ɔskeɪt part of speech: verb
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