Previsible in english


pronunciation: fɔrsiəbəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

previsible = foreseeable ; predictable ; predictably + Adjetivo ; anticipated. 

Example: At the end of the day, the greatest need for the foreseeable future remains space for books and ordinary readers.Example: This pricing strategy maybe attractive to both users and database producers, both of whom have the security of a predictable and once-only financial transaction.Example: Romantic fiction, normally regarded as being novels written for a female readership only, is noteworthy for its limited range of plots, its easily recognisable characterisation and its predictably happy endings.Example: The order of subjects must be systematic and generally acceptable to the anticipated users of the index or collection.


» conseguir Algo en contra de lo previsiblebeat + the odds .

Example: Standbys and understudies rarely get the job when a star needs to be replaced long-term, and Calaway and Patterson know how lucky they are to have beaten the odds.

» de manera previsiblepredictably .

Example: Perhaps predictably many of these problems are concerned with the label that is given to a subject in an alphabetical index.

» futuro previsible, elforeseeable future, the .

Example: Catalogers are reluctant to adopt new terminology unless they can be assured that new terms will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

» imprevisibleunforeseeable  .

Example: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.

» lograr Algo en contra de lo previsiblebeat + the odds .

Example: Standbys and understudies rarely get the job when a star needs to be replaced long-term, and Calaway and Patterson know how lucky they are to have beaten the odds.

Previsible synonyms

predictable in spanish: previsible, pronunciation: prɪdɪktəbəl part of speech: adjective
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