Previo in english


pronunciation: priviəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

prever = anticipate ; envisage ; envision ; foresee ; make + provision for ; look ahead ; predict ; contemplate ; slate (for). 

Example: The information that most modern indexes must organise concerns much more complex subjects than Cutter could have anticipated.Example: It is fairly common to have to modify a standard list, or compile a fresh list when a new application is envisaged.Example: Let me further specify the requirements of the catalog envisioned by the Paris Principles.Example: Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.Example: We must of course make provision for those users who look for information under one of the other terms, and this is discussed below in the section on showing semantic relationships.Example: The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in avance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Example: These details are primarily useful as a record of expenditure or to organisations or individuals contemplating the purchase of a work.Example: The next IFLA Conference is slated for August 14-28, 1995, in Istanbul, Turkey.


» prever una necesidadproject + need .

Example: The Working Group projected a need for such a number to facilitate, in particular, the automated processing of machine-readable records.

» previendoin anticipation of .

Example: It was indeed in anticipation of this development that the first wholesaling conger had been formed in the 1680s.

previo = advance ; earlier ; previous ; pre-existing [preexisting] ; germinal. 

Example: The object of CIP is to provide advance information of forthcoming British books.Example: 'See' references are made from different names such as pseudonyms, real names, secular names, earlier names and later names.Example: The previous chapters have considered the statement of the source of a document in some detail.Example: Effective subject indexing is expensive and future subject indexing strategies are best based on pre-existing controlled vocabularies.Example: Unique as it is, this creation has its germinal origin in Morris's earlier works.


» audiencia previapre-trialpreliminary hearingpre-trial hearing .

Example: Your appearance at pre-trial is mandatory -- if you are unable to appear in person, you have the right to hire an attorney to represent you and appear for you.

Example: Preliminary hearings are not always required, and the defendant can choose to waive it.

Example: Some cases resolve with only two or three pre-trial hearings, while others may require five or six.

» casi sin previo avisowithout much notice .

Example: Under most circumstances disasters happen quickly and without much notice.

» cliente sin reserva (previa)walk-in guest [En un hotel o sitio de alojamiento, persona que se presenta en persona en busca de alojamiento sin haber hecho reserva anteriormente] .

Example: If you are a walk-in guest (meaning you don't have reservations at the hotel) ask the front desk staff for the best deal they can give you.

» conocimiento previoforeknowledge  .

Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.

» durante el período previo ain the run-up toduring the run-up to .

Example: State libraries are expected to provide leadership in the run-up to the 1991 White House Conference on Libraries on issues such as censorship, literacy and multiculturalism.

Example: A good illustration of this is the two-page advertisement placed in the Financial Times during the run-up to the 1984 European Parliament election.

» en el período previo ain the run-up toduring the run-up to .

Example: State libraries are expected to provide leadership in the run-up to the 1991 White House Conference on Libraries on issues such as censorship, literacy and multiculturalism.

Example: A good illustration of this is the two-page advertisement placed in the Financial Times during the run-up to the 1984 European Parliament election.

» entrevista previapre-interview .

Example: Occassionally, a pre-interview is conducted at a conferece or over the telephone before the applicant is invited for a formal interview.

» medicación previapremedication .

Example: Acupuncture may be an effective tool for helping to alleviate nausea and vomiting in patients refractory to standard premedication = La acupuntura puede ser una herramienta eficaz para ayudar a aliviar las náuseas y los vomitos en pacientes reacios a la premedicacion estándar.

» período previo a la lecturaprereading .

Example: At the time, I thought it was a form of prereading, a mimicking of his parents whom he constantly saw engrossed in books.

» planificación previaforeplanning  .

Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.

» previo ain advance (of)leading up to .

Example: CIP is intended to facilitate the selection and ordering of materials by alerting librarians and others to forthcoming works in advance of their publication.

Example: The writer discusses the victualling of 17,000 army men in the two weeks leading up to the battle of Naseby in June 1645.

» sin adiestramiento previountrained .

Example: EasyNet is an American-based, menu-driven information retrieval system which links untrained users to over 800 data bases from nearly 20 on-line service vendors.

» sin aviso previowithout (any) warning .

Example: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.

» sin entrenamiento previountrained .

Example: EasyNet is an American-based, menu-driven information retrieval system which links untrained users to over 800 data bases from nearly 20 on-line service vendors.

» sin previo avisounannouncedwithout (any) warningwithout prior noticewithout prior notificationon spec [Abreviatura de on speculation]at the drop of a hatwithout (any) further noticewithout noticewithout any notice .

Example: The arrival of the school doctor or dentist or of well-knwon personalities visiting the school normally occur unannounced.

Example: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.

Example: This paper presents the views of four general education teachers who without prior notice or training were assigned to teach special education classes.

Example: Programme schedules are subject to change without prior notification.

Example: You are lucky to find anywhere to stay if you just turn up on spec in Amsterdam in the middle of August.

Example: Sometimes these tantrums start at the drop of a hat for often no apparent reason other than the fact that he's 2 years old.

Example: We reserve the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.

Example: All programmes, events and tours are subject to change and/or cancellation without notice.

Example: Passangers were upset when the airline decided to stop honoring its drink coupons without any notice.

Previo synonyms

old in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: oʊld part of speech: adjective late in spanish: tarde, pronunciation: leɪt part of speech: adjective, adverb former in spanish: ex, pronunciation: fɔrmɜr part of speech: noun premature in spanish: prematuro, pronunciation: primətʃʊr part of speech: adjective
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