Previamente in english


pronunciation: priviəsli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

previamente = earlier ; previously ; prospectively. 

Example: These will be established in keeping with the principles established earlier.Example: Knowledge generally evolves from an identifiable base, and often new subjects arise from the coming together of two previously separate subjects.Example: Digitization can be done prospectively before the library receives a request for information or at the time of the demand.


» almacenado previamentepre-stored [prestored] .

Example: The challenging part comes in matching the spoken utterance to one of a wide range of possible, pre-stored words, phrases or sentences.

» establecido previamentealready-established .

Example: This decision would place the main entries where they logically belong, adjacent to such already-established forms as HUMAN BIOLOGY, HUMAN ECOLOGY, HUMAN EVOLUTION, and HUMAN GENETICS.

» organizado previamentepre-planned .

Example: A minority of respondents indicated that their public libraries provide some form of formal training (i.e., pre-planned sessions or classes) = Una minoría de los encuestados indicó que su biblioteca pública ofrece algún tipo de formación reglada (es decir, clases o sesiones organizadas con antelación).

» planificado previamentepre-planned .

Example: A minority of respondents indicated that their public libraries provide some form of formal training (i.e., pre-planned sessions or classes) = Una minoría de los encuestados indicó que su biblioteca pública ofrece algún tipo de formación reglada (es decir, clases o sesiones organizadas con antelación).

Previamente synonyms

antecedently in spanish: antecedentemente, pronunciation: æntesədəntli part of speech: adverb
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