Prever in english


pronunciation: fɔrsi part of speech: verb
In gestures

prever = anticipate ; envisage ; envision ; foresee ; make + provision for ; look ahead ; predict ; contemplate ; slate (for). 

Example: The information that most modern indexes must organise concerns much more complex subjects than Cutter could have anticipated.Example: It is fairly common to have to modify a standard list, or compile a fresh list when a new application is envisaged.Example: Let me further specify the requirements of the catalog envisioned by the Paris Principles.Example: Developments in this area are proceeding at such a pace it is impossible to foresee total needs for next year let alone for the life of the building.Example: We must of course make provision for those users who look for information under one of the other terms, and this is discussed below in the section on showing semantic relationships.Example: The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.Example: Further, it is necessary to predict in avance the areas in which new subjects are likely to arise and to leave gaps accordingly; this forecasting is obviously difficult.Example: These details are primarily useful as a record of expenditure or to organisations or individuals contemplating the purchase of a work.Example: The next IFLA Conference is slated for August 14-28, 1995, in Istanbul, Turkey.


» prever una necesidadproject + need .

Example: The Working Group projected a need for such a number to facilitate, in particular, the automated processing of machine-readable records.

» previendoin anticipation of .

Example: It was indeed in anticipation of this development that the first wholesaling conger had been formed in the 1680s.

Prever synonyms

counter in spanish: mostrador, pronunciation: kaʊntɜr part of speech: noun, adjective anticipate in spanish: prever, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪt part of speech: verb envision in spanish: guardar, pronunciation: envɪʒən part of speech: verb forestall in spanish: prevenir, pronunciation: fɔrstɔl part of speech: verb foreknow in spanish: prever, pronunciation: fɔrɪnoʊ part of speech: verb
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