Preventivo in english


pronunciation: prɪventɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

preventivo = preventive ; preventative ; preemptive [pre-emptive] ; prophylactic ; cautionary ; precautionary. 

Example: This article discusses the impact of the law on the preventive censorship of videotaped programmes.Example: Although the term bibliotherapy connotes treatment, it also is used for diagnostic and preventative purposes.Example: Coincidentally there has emerged a pre-emptive new technology for the storage, handling and transmission of information, potentially better suited to the convenience of users.Example: The author discusses factors deteriorating library collections and prophylactic measures in libraries.Example: This is a humourous and cautionary fictionalised account of a disastrous author visit to a public library to do a reading for children.Example: The following guidelines are precautionary, but they'll prevent problems from happening down the line.


» ataque preventivopreemptive strike .

Example: Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 was a preemptive strike made because Stalin was preparing to attack Nazi Germany.

» conservación preventivapreventive preservationpreventive conservation [En preservación, medidas preventivas adoptadas para evitar el deterioro del material bibliográfico] .

Example: This article discusses preventive preservation or the binding of new, unbound books and periodicals and the use of microform to prevent damage to the originals.

Example: Preventive conservation involves the safe housing and handling of materials and includes the provision of optimum environmental conditions, adequate stack space and suitable storage containers for fragile materials.

» cuidados preventivospreventative carepreventive care .

Example: This article discusses preventative care of library collections as a strategy for preservation is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

Example: Preventive care library collections, as a strategy for preservation, is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

» de forma preventivapreventively .

Example: Typically, infestations are treated preventively in the fall, before the flies enter the building to winter over.

» de manera preventivapreventively .

Example: Typically, infestations are treated preventively in the fall, before the flies enter the building to winter over.

» de modo preventivopreventively .

Example: Typically, infestations are treated preventively in the fall, before the flies enter the building to winter over.

» detención preventivapolice custody .

Example: He was facing numerous drug related charges and escaped from police custody while receiving treatment for minor injuries.

» en detención preventivain (police) custody .

Example: Twelve people are known to have died in police custody since January 2013 compared to nine in the whole of 2012.

» estar en detención preventivaremand + Nombre + in (police) custody .

Example: A 42-year-old man has been remanded in custody after he was charged in connection with an armed robbery on a post officee.

» estar en prisión preventivaremand + Nombre + in (police) custody .

Example: A 42-year-old man has been remanded in custody after he was charged in connection with an armed robbery on a post officee.

» medicina preventivapreventive medicinepreventative medicine .

Example: Preventive medicine together with health education and community involvement are of more immediate concern than curative medicine = La medicina preventiva junto con la educación para la salud y la implicación de la comunidad es una preocupación más urgente que la medicina curativa.

Example: A scale and polish is a very common dental treatment which is carried out as a form of oral preventative medicine.

» medida preventivapreventative measuresafeguardpreemptive measurepreventive measure .

Example: The study suggests some preventative measures which include a simple publicity campaign to educate students on the danger posed to library services by such delinquent acts.

Example: DBMS systems aim to provide data security and access safeguards.

Example: Medical genealogy makes it possible to analyse more carefully a patient' risk for inheriting a genetic disorder and to take pre-emptive measures against that risk.

Example: Books can be slipped so easily into a pocket or handbag that losses are high unless preventive measures are taken.

» medidas preventivaspreventative carepreventive careounce of prevention [Expresión hecha que se utiliza para indicar que es mejor tomar unpoco de precaución para prevenir un problema que pagar las consecuencias que normalmente implican unos gastos o esfuerzos mayores] .

Example: This article discusses preventative care of library collections as a strategy for preservation is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

Example: Preventive care library collections, as a strategy for preservation, is discussed with reference to Glasgow University Library.

Example: They concluded that 'our citizens may rationally prefer to check crime and disorder by ounces of educational prevention, than by pounds of cure in the shape of large 'lockups' and expensive suits before the law'.

» servicio preventivopreventive service .

Example: Patients who use an interactive personal health record (PHR) are almost twice as likely to be up to date with clinical preventive services as those who do not.

Preventivo synonyms

hitch in spanish: enganche, pronunciation: hɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb deterrent in spanish: disuasorio, pronunciation: dɪtɜrrənt part of speech: noun preemptive in spanish: con derecho preferente, pronunciation: priemptɪv part of speech: adjective hindrance in spanish: obstáculo, pronunciation: hɪndrəns part of speech: noun interference in spanish: interferencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪrəns part of speech: noun encumbrance in spanish: gravamen, pronunciation: enkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun prophylactic in spanish: profiláctico, pronunciation: prɑfɪlæktɪk part of speech: adjective preventative in spanish: preventivo, pronunciation: priventətɪv part of speech: adjective cautionary in spanish: advertido, pronunciation: kɔʃəneri part of speech: adjective protective in spanish: protector, pronunciation: prətektɪv part of speech: adjective frustrating in spanish: frustrante, pronunciation: frʌstreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective prohibitive in spanish: prohibitivo, pronunciation: proʊhɪbətɪv part of speech: adjective contraceptive in spanish: anticonceptivo, pronunciation: kɑntrəseptɪv part of speech: adjective, noun impeding in spanish: obstaculizando, pronunciation: ɪmpidɪŋ part of speech: adjective healthful in spanish: sano, pronunciation: helθfəl part of speech: adjective obstructive in spanish: obstructivo, pronunciation: əbstrʌktɪv part of speech: adjective precautionary in spanish: de precaución, pronunciation: prɪkɔʃəneri part of speech: adjective incumbrance in spanish: incumbencia, pronunciation: ɪnkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun clogging in spanish: atasco, pronunciation: klɑgɪŋ part of speech: adjective hindering in spanish: estorbador, pronunciation: hɪndɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective thwarting in spanish: frustrando, pronunciation: θwɔrtɪŋ part of speech: noun prohibitory in spanish: prohibitorio, pronunciation: proʊhɪbətɔri part of speech: adjective blockading in spanish: bloqueo, pronunciation: blɑkeɪdɪŋ part of speech: adjective frustrative in spanish: frustrante, pronunciation: frʌstrətɪv part of speech: adjective preclusive in spanish: preventivo, pronunciation: prɪklusɪv part of speech: adjective precautional in spanish: precautorio, pronunciation: prikɔʃənəl part of speech: adjective birth control device in spanish: dispositivo de control de la natalidad, pronunciation: bɜrθkəntroʊldɪvaɪs part of speech: noun contraceptive device in spanish: dispositivo anticonceptivo, pronunciation: kɑntrəseptɪvdɪvaɪs part of speech: noun prophylactic device in spanish: dispositivo profiláctico, pronunciation: prɑfɪlæktɪkdɪvaɪs part of speech: noun
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